[B]Gratia Mindaro - Madame La Guillotine[/B] Gratia caught the first knife with her teeth, ignoring the second that barely even managed to cut at her trouser leg. It should have been more bothersome, like some irritating little insect that thought itself to be greater, but the pathetic power behind the blow ... the [b]WEAKNESS[/b] the scum had shown ... even a fucking gnat could do more damage to her. If they thought that such miniscule efforts ... such trifling attempts ... could bring her down, then she would re-educate them! She spat the knife out with considerable force, letting it clatter loudly against the concrete before it was crushed beneath her boot. sHe WOuld brInG thE DODICI COSCA TO! THEIR! FUCKING! KNEES! And that bitch ... she would be the first. The first to burn. The first to grovel for mercy that would never come. The first to drown in a puddle of their own bullshit! "[color=66cd00]One out of twenty! [b][i]PATHETIC![/i][/b] I've seen quadruple amputee kids at retard school who could put up more of a fight![/color]" The carbine rose again, spitting fire into Vitoria's other leg.