After making sure the guys didn’t need her, Jane slipped inside the venue to get herself a drink. The inside of the dimly lit establishment was fairly large, housing two bars and a decent sized stage. The AC was blowing at maximum power, but that didn't help cool the accumulated body heat from the large number of patrons inside. An enclosed outdoor area was located in the back, also of fair size, which had a tiki bar wedged in the corner. The crowd was roaring as they waited for the next set to start, and Jane weaved her way outside so that she could order a beer. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned around to see a group of girls standing behind her. “Are you Jane? From In Bloom?” The question caught her off guard. “Uh, yes. Yes. Hi,” she was confused. Did they work here? Did they need something from her? “We love your new song. We all bought the CD!” one of the girls spoke, and all four of them held up their purchase in their hands. “Wow, thank you. Means a lot,” Jane nodded and smiled before leaving the group and making her way to the bar outside. She still was not feeling like her usual extroverted self, so she kept her eyes low until she was asked what she wanted from a deep voice. “Blue Moon, please,” she said as she extracted a crumpled wad of cash front her woven bag. Jane looked up to see the blonde bartender, maybe in his late twenties or early thirties, eyeing her as if he had known her. “You’re Jane right?” He smiled as he pushed the beer to her side of the bar. “I’m Mark. That’s Sarah over there.” He pointed to a dark haired girl who was serving someone else a drink, and answered to her name being called with a smile to Jane. “We’re, um, big fans,” he began to laugh. “Of your band and all, but… mainly you.” Jane nodded politely until the meaning of his words hit her, making her eyes widen nearly causing her to choke on her beer. “Jesus. They’re forward in Texas, huh?” she chuckled and caught eyes with Sarah down the bar. “You could say that,” Mark replied, smirking. “Well, if you guys need a place to stay tonight, you can crash at our place.” Jane returned his smirk. “I’ll let the guys know. Thanks.” She paid him for the drink and began to weave her way back through the bar to head to the van, when she was stopped a few other times to sign CDs and to take pictures. [i]”This is fucking insane,”[/i] Jane kept thinking to herself until she made it out of the bar finally. “Fuck,” she cursed in relief to not be surrounded by people anymore. She had dreamed this kind of recognition since the 13-year-old Jane saw the music video for [url=]Out Here All Night by Damone[/url], and she would sing in front of the mirror and work on her "stage presence" for hours. So much had changed since then, but the memory always made her smile. Jane couldn’t have imagined a week ago them receiving this type of attention. Her predictions about the single, though, were entirely true. They had [i]fans[/i] other than their friends or the regulars that attended their events. They were receiving money for playing. They were getting offers for threesomes in return for a place to crash. It was exhilarating – to Jane anyway – and she planned on soaking in every bit of it that she could. A change of outfit was needed before the show began, so she decided to go into the van when Rob nearly fell out of the door she opened. “Holy shit, Rob, I didn’t even see you,” she grunted as she helped him back up to the position he was in. Her eyes landed on the notebook in his lap, but instead of testing their newfound truce, she didn’t mention it. “Uh, mind if I use the van to change really quick?” She closed the door and sat in the driver’s seat instead of waiting for him to move and reached around near Rob’s legs to grab her bag. In the location he was sitting, she knew he wouldn’t be able to see anything, so after checking the road in front of her, she lifted the black shirt off her body and replaced it with a form-fitting gray one and put on a large, red and black flannel over it, keeping the buttons undone. Jane pulled down the mirror and stared at herself for a moment. She looked exactly how tired and stoned she figured she would. She put a finger up to her face and touched her freckled cheeks and nose, staring at herself for a moment, before shutting the mirror again and turned around to Rob. “I found us a place to sleep tonight. Won’t be a party or anything,” she sighed as turned her attention back to the road in front of them. “I guess I’ll see you in there, yeah?” Jane hopped out of the van and reentered the venue, where she was bombarded by more people introducing themselves and taking pictures. Sound check was in 15 minutes, so that was her cue to try to squeeze in another beer or two before she was needed. Instead of trying to make her way back outside to Mark and Sarah, she took a seat next to Austin at the bar inside. “Are you and Rob cool now?” Austin swiveled the stool to face her. “This morning was weird.” Jane sighed. “Yeah, we’re cool. I just had a bad night.” Her finger circled the top of the bottle, avoiding Austin’s glare which nearly burnt a hole right through her. “Jane, I’ve known you for a while now. [i]Plus,[/i] I saw you last night. You were fine until you walked into Adrianna’s room,” he said lowly. “I don’t know what’s going on with you, or with Rob, but please don’t fuck up what we have going on. We’re finally getting the attention we’ve always wanted, and I don’t want something stupid like your feelings breaking up the band.” She was going to rebuttal and tell him nothing was happening, but Austin always had a way of picking up on everything happening behind the scenes, so she just nodded, and he placed a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it gently. This was already getting messy. Whatever “this” was.