[center][color=deepskyblue][h3][i][b]~General Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Clarke%20Beaumont&name=AnglicanText%20UNZ1L.ttf&size=75&style_color=078DD6[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/50eb5a1714a2e2818f7d409d4ed8eee7/tumblr_mvr2osSSgS1qf6aujo5_250.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Clarke Beaumont [b]Other Names:[/b] None really [b]Real Name (If Applicable):[/b] Clarke Beaumont [b]Occupation:[/b] Apprentice to the Keeper of the Royal Library [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Camelot [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Affiliation:[/b] Neutral [b]Appearance - 21 Years Old:[/b] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/e9306b5adb465df404fdc9c63c43ebaa/tumblr_mp2rcl6XEp1r032zxo1_250.gif[/img] [b]Wardrobe Style: Clarke dresses rather plainly, not one for flashy showmanship. He tends to opt for a loose overcoat over a plainly colored tunic and some darker pants. When traveling he trades the overcoat for a dark blue cloak, one that he got from his mother some years ago. When he is invited to formal gatherings, he cleans up well, putting on clothes fit for a noble. In fact he won said outfit off a noble two years prior.[/b] [hider=Common Clothes] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRije0i2bNGh4Kd29kT-aTrJc0gcgL-P31v43CTdFGsZudYjp6J[/img] [/hider] [hider=Formal Attire] [img]http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1UBleIVXXXXbZXXXXq6xXFXXXv/Free-ship-mens-red-black-white-golden-embroidery-medieval-period-suit-jacket-with-pants-and-waistband.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Partner:[/b] None [b]Father:[/b] Gabriel Beaumont - Deceased [b]Mother:[/b] Lillian Beaumont - Deceased [b]Siblings:[/b] None [b]Pet/s:[/b] He has a cat named Kinsley that tends to sit with him in the library while he works, though sometimes she can be seen roaming the castle with Casper's kitten. [b]Other:[/b] [hider=Kinsley] [img]http://funnycatsgif.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/cat6.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] Clarke is a conflicted man deep within. While he desires freedom from the oppression that Uther has placed on all sorcerers in the realm, he is also drawn to help serve the very land that has oppressed his people. Clarke is kind, although he is hard to get to know, but once he gets to know you, he can be an amazing friend, one who'd risk his own life for yours. He's also not one to back down from a fight, and is stubborn in his ways, rarely ever admitting that he was wrong. As far as morality goes, Clarke thinks everything is in shades of grey. He's studied history most of his life and he can recognize that often those who remain neutral in the war between good and evil came out on top. And so he chooses to walk the line. That isn't to say he dips into dark magic and does evil things, but he isn't above doing certain things for personal gain. [b]Strengths:[/b] History- Clarke is a whiz with all things historical, and knows quite a lot about the history of all things magical and non-magical. Combat- Most people assume that since Clarke is a Keeper, he isn't trained in fighting. However he's been trained to fight with a staff, as well as with magic. He's good at seeing other's weaknesses in combat and exploiting them. Charisma - Clarke has a knack for getting people to like him, and has used his silver tongue to get himself farther in court. This charisma makes him a dangerous manipulator however, one who can get the weak minded to do just about anything if he tries hard enough. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Alchemy - Clarke can't make a potion to save his life. He finds it tedious work and isn't precise enough to ever get the right measurements. Swordfighting - While Clarke was trained well with a staff, fighting with a sword and shield is beyond him. He much prefers beating people with a stick than trying to stab them with a sword that he can barely wield. Arrogant - Clarke's biggest weakness is his arrogance. He believes himself to be right more often than not, and he is much too sure of his skills, sometimes leading to him being quickly humbled. [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] Clarke's main magical focus is elemental magic. He excels at controlling fire and water, although his earth and wind skills need some more practice. He can summon and manipulate a decent amount of fire, enough to get out of hand if not properly handled. A best approximate would be that he can summon enough fire to engulf his hand and then grow it from there, but once it gets past the size of a bonfire, he begins to lose control. In the water department, he can summon small amounts of water out of the air, about enough to fill a small cup, and he can easily control about a bucket and a half of water. He's trained himself to use magic with banned books that are only kept in the Royal Library. While he can't yet control secondary elements such as lightning and ice, he believes that he one day will be able to, with enough practice. Beyond his control of the elements, he can sense magic, although the sense is not very exact. He knows there are other sorcerers in Camelot, although he can't pinpoint who they are exactly. [b]Weapons:[/b] Clarke can normally be found with his weapon on a hand, a carved birch wood staff that he often walks around the castle with. While not enchanted with any sort of magic, it was carved by one of the finest wood carvers in Camelot, and as such is extremely durable. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] Clarke was born to a somewhat wealthy trader, Gabriel, and his wife, Lillian. Gabriel had always been a friend of Uther, and as such, the king and the trader's family would interact on occasion. While his family was never as rich as the nobles of the realm, Clarke had more money than your average peasant, and as such he fit right in at court. Clarke's magical ability was not immediately apparent, in fact Clarke wasn't even aware he was a sorcerer until he had become the apprentice to the Keeper of the Royal Library. When he was fourteen his father, already left a widower when his mother had fallen ill and died a few years prior, was on his death bed, stricken with another illness. Fearing for his son's future, Gabriel had called in some favors and gotten Clarke the apprenticeship. The death of Clarke's father was painful for the boy, as he was now an orphan. He spent most of his days in the library, sorting and reading books. It was on one of these very days when he was alone in the library that he discovered his affinity for magic. As the waves of grief finally crashed too hard onto his mind he broke down, and started throwing books across the room, screaming. Torches sparked to life with every shout and papers were swirled throughout the room by gusts of wind. When he was finished, Clarke was struck by the reality of what had just happened, but he turned his grief into ambition, working to hone his skills. [h3][i][b]~Other Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Other:[/b] ?. [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] "?" By ?. [/color][/center] [hider=Relationships] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Uther%20Pendragon&name=AnglicanText%20UNZ1L.ttf&size=70&style_color=695507[/img][/center] Clarke despises Uther for the crimes he has committed against sorcerers, although he continues to give him and his son help whenever they need it from him. Granted, if he refused, he'd be fired and most likely imprisoned. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Guinevere%20de%20Lyonesse&name=AnglicanText%20UNZ1L.ttf&size=70&style_color=EDA4DE[/img][/center] Clarke sees Gwen as a good friend, trustworthy and loyal, and he believes that she is a truly good person. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Morgana%20Le%20Fay&name=AnglicanText%20UNZ1L.ttf&size=70&style_color=781691[/img][/center] Clarke thinks Morgana is wonderful, powerful and a bit intimidating. He's always felt like there's something different about her, but he's never been able to figure out what. He's not as close with her as he is with ost of the non-royal castle residents, but he still sees her as a friend. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Casper&name=AnglicanText%20UNZ1L.ttf&size=70&style_color=D11B1B[/img][/center] Clarke isn't great friends with Casper, and in fact, he does his best to avoid the boy. Something about him just gives Clarke the creeps. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Aiden%20Fenri&name=AnglicanText%20UNZ1L.ttf&size=70&style_color=D1C930[/img][/center] Clarke thinks Aiden is a sweet boy, if perhaps a bit naive. Nevertheless, Clarke likes Aiden well enough, and has helped him out with stuff in the library from time to time. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Arthur%20Pendragon&name=AnglicanText%20UNZ1L.ttf&size=70&style_color=D13030[/img][/center] Clarke sees Arthur as mostly an arrogant prick. However, the young Keeper knows that despite Arthur being an arrogant prick, he's not his father, and could prove to be a far better king. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Merlin&name=AnglicanText%20UNZ1L.ttf&size=70&style_color=CFBB38[/img][/center] Clarke thinks of Merlin as one of his good friends, someone who he can trust with most things, although magic is not one of them. He often tells Merlin that he should look for better employment, as he thinks the way that Arthur treats him is awful. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Sir%20Kay&name=AnglicanText%20UNZ1L.ttf&size=70&style_color=135DAD[/img][/center] Sir Kay seems noble enough to Clarke, although he's only spoken a few words to him. [/hider]