Okay, position list in the Original OOC post have been updated with all those that have been officially approved for the RP - will update again soon. We will be hopefully launching the RP soon - waiting on a couple of CS sheets to come in. If not no worries, we can build as we go. Each group will start off alone and we will work to bring everyone together. I would keep in mind that this RP will be random, really freaking random. I am leaving it to the dice gods who lives, who dies and such. So any of us could go at any moment, be ready for that. (I do suggest having 1 back up character already ready to go if that happens. If someone does die, you can wait until more die to bring in a new character or just toss the new character into the mix right away - all new characters still have to be approved by me. So if you do go ahead and work up an alternate character - PM them to me so I can approve them, then just tuck them away until needed.) Also, not everyone has to be a good guy, you can be a porch dick if you like - those that have watched the series up until recently know what I am referring to - those that haven't - no worries. It just means you can be a jerk.