[b]Sometimes, fate has a way of making things its own.[/b] Parallel worlds work in strange ways; they are fickle things, often remaining self-contained and letting things run their course, as they should. This is only natural; after all, the laws of nature should let beings dictate their own fate. Of course, that only applies for the world at large. For you in particular, though... [i]"I beseech of thee, being from another plane of existence: aid me, and prevent the collapse of this world, and many others..."[/i] The words seem to slip into your head, and without being able to question the meaning or being able to give a response, the world fades to black. When you reawaken, you find yourself in a brightly lit room, basked in a glowing white light that seems to flow endlessly from the windows above. The room seems similar to a cathedral, save for the lack of any sort of seats in the area. In front of where an altar would otherwise be, though, stands a lone woman; her hair is dyed a pale white, as is her habit and veil. She seems almost ghostly, and her face towards all that have awoken seems to be one of distraught worry. [i]"I profusely apologize for bringing you all here,"[/i] she states, bowing her head in apology. [i]"But this is an urgent matter that necessitated immediate aid. I hope you can forgive me for my transgressions upon your life. My name is Lydia; I am known as the Administrator of the Astral Plane, a realm inaccessible without approval."[/i] The "Administrator," for lack of a better word, continues on with her explanation, regardless of anyone attempting to interrupt her. [i]"The reason I have summoned all of you here today is to aid in the recovery of the Astral Plane, and with it, the Akashic Record. Recently, a large amount of anomalies have been popping up in worlds left and right, and I am unable to keep up with my repairs in each of them. Though I have been able to stabilize each of your homes, the matter will only worsen by the day; it is only a matter of time before each error becomes irreversible, and the Akashic Record more and more corrupt. If the worst comes to pass, then the Akashic Record will be shut down, and all of the realms in its domain will soon follow. So please, I ask of you: good or evil, put aside those petty moral differences and aid me so that you may continue to live on. If you wish not to aid me, I shall return you home; however, I cannot guarantee the existence of your world to be maintained thereafter. After your mission is complete, I shall reward you however you wish; money, power, or fame, if it is for the sake of the multiverse as a whole, then I am willing to grant whatever you desire."[/i] Though the woman's story seems... Fishy, the lack of options seems to be... Grim. There are a few among you who request to be returned, and in a bright flash of light, they disappear in a bright beam of light. The terms 'Akashic Record' and 'Astral Plane' don't seem like the most intuitive things to know, and it's almost guaranteed that the concept is foreign to many. Nevertheless, her claims seem to have riled many a person up. Are you one of them? [hr] So, uh... Yeah! Multiverse RP! Woo! This RP is going to be kind of... Weird, all things considered. Why? Well, here's how. [list][*]'Villains' and 'heroes' working towards a common goal. They'll sure as hell clash, but that's only good for character development, right? Of course, any character that goes waaaaay off the deep end into irredeemable territory, mindless creatures hellbent on the destruction of everything and everything, and so on and so forth are a no-go. They have to be characters that can be reasoned with... To some extent. [b]THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT I'M ALLOWING THINGS THAT ARE OVER PG-13. SERIOUSLY. DON'T GO THAT FAR.[/b] [*]KH-style world-jumping, with a twist: The plot for each world ain't gonna be as cut and dry as it was in the original story. For example, say the characters go into the Narutoverse (not saying they actually will, ofc). They might not necessarily be fighting the big bads of the story; they could just as easily be fighting the "heroes" in order to get to the core of the anomaly at hand. By that same logic, your characters might end up fighting against others that are from an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT world! That's just the nature of how these anomalies are: really freakin' strange. [*]Origin worlds being unplayable. When I say 'origin,' I'm referring to wherever the PCs being played are from. There's no anomaly there, after all, so there's no problem to solve. So, for example, if someone's playing a Harry Potter character, then the world in question will NOT be visited. [sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]This rule is subject to change.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub] [/list] So, obviously, as with all RPs, there are a few things I have to lay out. 1. The classics. No Sues, Stus, godmodding, powerplaying, etc;. Standard fare. 2. OCs ARE OKAY. Seriously. They're fine. Don't ask. 3. There's a limit to how strong the characters that are played can be, after all. I'm leaving it pretty open, and I'm pretty sure that people are reasonable to pick something that's not going to trivialize everything. It's about the journey, not the destination, after all. 4. 3 characters per player, 1 character per world per RPer; these cannot be the same character in any way, shape, or form. Let me explain this. Say Players A and B want to play characters from the Jojoverse. A wants to play Old Joseph and Jotaro, while B wants to play Young Joseph. If A plays Old Joseph, they cannot play Jotaro and B cannot play Young Joseph; by that same logic, A cannot play Old Joseph if B plays Young Joseph. A also cannot play both characters; they must pick between playing either Jotaro or Old Joseph. No exceptions. Unless it's an anomaly. Then they're NPCs. 5. The Astral Plane's the hub world. As described in the OP, it's essentially a cathedral, but has branches out to many different worlds. As anomalies are fixed, more open up. Simple, right? Oh, and the hub world can be "upgraded," in a sense. Time functions differently in this place, so downtimes of relaxation and restoration will be possible. Yes, in theory, you could have a hot springs or a restaurant built here, but THAT'S UP TO YOU GUYS. 6. 'Fixed' worlds, unlike 'origin' worlds, aren't revisitable. Once you're done, you're done.[sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]This rule is ALSO subject to change.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub] I think that should about cover it for this RP's IC. Any questions? Ask away! In the meantime, here's a form! [hider=Form] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: World of Origin: Personality: History: Abilities: Other: [/hider]