[list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Goldibanne [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: Physically constructed in a manner resembling a fourteen or fifteen-year-old. Goldibanne was created two years ago. [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Female [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: "[url=http://vitavitaar.deviantart.com/art/Goldibanne-592690507]Fufufu~[/url]", "[url=http://moerin-satsuki.deviantart.com/art/Goldibanne-593388468]Ooooh, you wanted to see Goldibanne in color~?[/url]" Goldibanne is around five feet tall. [*][u][b]World of Origin[/b][/u]: Original Setting [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Goldibanne is, at first glance, something of a 'girly-girl'. She enjoys cute things, frilly dresses, and baking. She is fond of ballet. She even speaks in a rather cutesy manner, often referring to herself in the third person. In addition, she cares for her Mistress deeply. In fact, her dedication to Mirafey Ayame is impossible to sway, but the same can be said for each of Ayame's four dolls. The first sign that Goldibanne is not as sweet-natured as she appears is her rather playful attitude, which is also filled with playful teasing towards those around her. When she inclined, usually by dislike(but sometimes those she likes the most also get such treatment), her teasing becomes harsher. Goldibanne is not simply a cutesy girly-girl, she is also a sadist with a cruel streak. She holds little mercy towards anyone considered her enemy and will dispatch them without hesitation, in spite of not being the combat-focused doll. Her mercilessness also applies to her teasing attitude, as she will not hesitate to mock someone in her cutesy tone if she thinks it will be entertaining. In spite of all this, harming random, innocent people is still seen as distasteful to her, and her programming leaves her feeling disgusted by that sort of action. Goldibanne has a remarkable temper in spite of her seeming cheerful, if sadistic, attitude, and is more prone to perform crueler and more vengeful acts when truly angry. [*][u][b]History[/b][/u]: Goldibanne was the second fully autonomous doll created by Mirafey Ayame. A weak, sickly girl, Ayame created her dolls in order to care for her mansion, using the experience of her mage bloodline and her own extensive experimentation in order to create fully sapient dolls who could act on their own. Goldibanne was created to run the mansion in an administrative sense. [*][u][b]Abilities[/b][/u]: Goldibanne is more durable then the average human, able to withstand firm blows to her body. The mana powering her also grants her additional defense due to her natural as a supernatural being. As she is technically an animated magical tool rather then something truly alive, attacks targeting living things cannot harm her. Goldibanne is far more flexible then a human due to her lack of bones, allowing her to bend in ways impossible for a human being. The doll's combat style resembles a strange dance, much like ballet, where she spins and twists about in order to fight. Goldibanne is capable of converting her internal mana into molten gold, forcing it through the joints in her hands, and using it to create whips of molten gold. She may also do this when injured, causing her to bleed molten gold onto her enemy. Naturally, her body is resistant to heat at a high level. Goldibanne is capable of dollmaking, allowing her to repair herself when injured. Goldibanne is also an excellent baker. [*][u][b]Other[/b][/u]: With her high level of skill, Ayame was capable of replicating complicated organic structures using dollmaking. This includes the interior of the nose and ear. Goldibanne's skin is also soft and human-like, her joints remaining for ease of repair.[/list]