[hider=Cyneburg Jregh-Croft] [h1][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Cyneburg Jregh-Croft[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center]I am no longer expected to have an image, so no more Vizzini [/center] [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Name:[/color][/b] Cyneburg Jregh-Croft [b][color=6ecff6]Aliases:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=6ecff6]Age:[/color][/b]20 [b][color=6ecff6]Race:[/color][/b] Half Orc [b][color=6ecff6]Alignment:[/color][/b] Chaotic Neutral [b][color=6ecff6]Place of Origin:[/color][/b]You know, here and there. [b][color=6ecff6]Gender:[/color][/b]F [b][color=6ecff6]Class:[/color][/b]Wanderer Druid [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Stats[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Strength:[/color][/b] 8 [b][color=6ecff6]Dexterity:[/color][/b] 14 [b][color=6ecff6]Constitution:[/color][/b] 11 [b][color=6ecff6]Intelligence:[/color][/b]10 [b][color=6ecff6]Wisdom:[/color][/b] 16 [b][color=6ecff6]Charisma:[/color][/b] 15 [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Height:[/color][/b] 5' 7" [b][color=6ecff6]Weight:[/color][/b] 103lbs [b][color=6ecff6]Build:[/color][/b] Kind of chubby [b][color=6ecff6]Eyes:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=6ecff6]Hair:[/color][/b] Black [b][color=6ecff6]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Palish Light Brown [b][color=6ecff6]Racial Abilities:[/color][/b]Darkvision 60 feet [b][color=6ecff6]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b]A large set of scars on her back that run diagonally from her right shoulder to about the mid-spine [b][color=6ecff6]Day To Day Attire:[/color][/b] Deerhide mantle, sleeveless tunic, oak boned corset, heavy travel pants, leather boots, a couple of clay bead/animal tooth necklaces, wide leather belt, opaque veil that covers her face from the nose down [b][color=6ecff6]Strengths:[/color][/b] Photographic Memory, Double Jointed (elbows), Acute Sense of Hearing [b][color=6ecff6]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] Near Sighted, Flat-footed, Overly Curious [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=6ecff6][center]Energetic * Moody * Outgoing * Responsible[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=6ecff6]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Straight [b][color=6ecff6]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color][/b] Cyneburg is a bit like the weather. It’s very obvious how she’s feeling now, but it’s anyone’s guess what it could be the next day. She swings between cheery and upbeat to grumpy and furious with seemingly little provocation. She likes to think of this as mirroring nature in her personality. After all, it can be a great help or a terrible destroyer without much obvious indication of what caused the change. Cyneburg is also very vocal and extroverted, if nothing else is a given. Perhaps it’s a side effect of being raised secluded from the world, maybe she’s born with it, [s]maybe it’s Maybelline,[/s] but she enjoys being around other people and talking to them. Silence and reverence to nature is all good and well, but there’s a time and place for that. Another thing that catches people off guard is that she’s a lot more sexual than one would expect, what with essentially being a Nature Priest. Well nearly everything alive wants to have sex and reproduce, it’s not like Nature frowns upon it. Shagging is part of the Natural Balance. [b][color=6ecff6]Habits:[/color][/b] Wiping an eye with an index finger when she lies, audibly popping her back when she’s been sitting in a chair for awhile [b][color=6ecff6]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Wood carving [b][color=6ecff6]Fears:[/color][/b] Heights, Needles, Deep Water [b][color=6ecff6]Likes:[/color][/b] Flowers, animals, summer, honey and sweets, people, beds [b][color=6ecff6]Dislikes:[/color][/b] People who eat noisily, sand, impatience, waste, black beans, overly strong perfume, scented candles [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Darkvision:[/color][/b] Cyneburg’s orcish blood allows her to see in complete darkness up to 60 feet away. In darkness she cannot perceive colors [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Weather Sense:[/color][/b] She can make intelligent guesses about the incoming weather [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Agriculture:[/color][/b] She has knowledge of the basics of farming. This includes planting, harvesting, storing crops, tending animals, butchering, and other typical farming chores. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Leatherworking:[/color][/b] With proper tools, she can tan and treat leather and to make clothing and other leather objects. The character can make leather armor, as well as backpacks, saddlebags, saddles, and all sorts of harnesses. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Survival:[/color][/b] All the skills necessary to survive for an extended period in the wild: starting fires, hunting, gathering, finding shelter, etc [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Spellcraft:[/color][/b] Knowing how magic works and being able to identify magic spells as they are cast [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Religion:[/color][/b] Knowledge about various religions and gods [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Concentration:[/color][/b] Being able to focus on a single task regardless of one’s environment [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Herbalism:[/color][/b] Those with herbalist knowledge can identify plants and fungus and prepare nonmagical potions, poultices, powders, balms, salves, ointments, infusions, and plasters for medical and pseudo-medical purposes. They can also prepare natural plant poisons and purgatives. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Healing:[/color][/b] Knows first aid and natural medicine. Doctor stuff. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Language (Common):[/color][/b] Can speak and understand the everyday language of men [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Language (Orcish):[/color][/b] Can speak and understand the language of orcs [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Weapon Proficiency (Staffs):[/color][/b] She can use a staff as a weapon [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Weapon Proficiency (Sickles):[/color][/b] She knows her way around a sickle [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Weapon Proficiency (Daggers):[/color][/b] Can avoid stabbing herself [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Weapon Proficiency (Clubs):[/color][/b] Should be self explanatory at this point [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Druid Skills:[/color][/b] Can identify plants, animals and clean water with perfect accuracy; can pass through overgrown areas (thick thorn bushes, tangled vines, briar patches, etc.) without leaving a trail and at his normal movement rate after he reaches 3rd level; can learn the languages of woodland creatures; immunity to charm spells cast by woodland creatures (dryads, pixies, etc.) [/list] [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Magic[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Purify Food and Water:[/color][/b] 5 times a day, Cyneburg can purify up to 5 cubic feet of water or food, turning spoiled, contaminated or otherwise tainted food edible again. Does not protect against further spoilage [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Wild Shape:[/color][/b] 3 times a day, Cyneburg can transform into one of three kinds of animals: a mammal, a reptile and a bird of some kind. None of these can be larger than a bear or smaller than a mouse. Each of these types of forms can only be used once per day. All held and worn items meld into the animal form, and she heals a fraction of her total health upon changing forms [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Soften Earth and Stone:[/color][/b] Twice a day Cyne, Cyneburg can soften natural, unworked stone or dirt. Stone is turned into soft clay and dirt is converted into sand or mud depending on if it’s wet or dry. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Plant Growth:[/color][/b] Once a day, Cyne can cause plants to grow. In areas with trees and brush, she can make it overgrow into a dense jungle that has to either be cleared or forced through. With crops, she can improve their yield by up to 30% for the next year. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Control Winds:[/color][/b] By using mistletoe, Cyneburg can control the winds, up to and including increasing and decreasing their speeds and determining which direction they move. Still air can be turned into a fierce windstorm, and an already raging storm can be whipped up into a tornado. Using this spell “uses up” the mistletoe and requires more to be gathered. To be fully effective, it must be gathered by the light or the Full Moon with a specially made gold or silver sickle. Otherwise the spell is only half as effective. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Possessions[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Possessions Generally On Person:[/color][/b] Clothing, coin purse, money, etc [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Clothing:[/color][/b] Deerhide mantle, sleeveless tunic, oak boned corset, heavy travel pants, leather boots, a couple of clay bead/animal tooth necklaces, wide leather belt, opaque veil that covers her face from the nose down [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Coinsack w/money:[/color][/b] A burlap pouch containing a few silver and coppers [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Shepherd's Axe:[/color][/b] Walking stick/axe combo. Not really a weapon, the axehead is a handle that’s good for a lot of utility things. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Carving Knife:[/color][/b] For carving wood [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Compass:[/color][/b] Because it’s good to know where you’re going [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Weapons:[/color][/b] Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]N/A, unless you count her walking stick and carving knife[/color][/b] [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Armor:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]N/A[/color][/b] [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Animals:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]N/A[/color][/b] [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Pack Contents:[/color][/b] What do you carry in you pack when traveling [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Sickle:[/color][/b] For gathering herbs and stuff [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Various herbs:[/color][/b] For various reasons: cooking, salves, laxatives, etc. No Mistletoe, though [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Empty bottles:[/color][/b] For gathering water and to hold aforementioned salves [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Tobacco:[/color][/b] Hand-picked for smoking [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Pipe:[/color][/b] Also handmade and for smoking. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Salt:[/color][/b] Because it can be kind of difficult to find the stuff on the go [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Perfume:[/color][/b] To cover up the less savory nature smells when in civilized company [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Magical Items:[/color][/b] Limit 2 low level [list] [*]N/A [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Potions:[/color][/b] Premade or prepurchased potions - limit 5 [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]N/A[/color][/b] [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Creation Materials:[/color][/b] Anything used to brew potions or for alchemy [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Herbs:[/color][/b] Ingredients [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Kettle:[/color][/b] For boiling stuff [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Sickle:[/color][/b] Gathering [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Mushrooms:[/color][/b] More Ingredients [*] [b][color=6ecff6]Bottles:[/color][/b] For holding [/list] [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Parents:[/color][/b] Khorgh Jregh (42) and Elaina Croft (36) [b][color=6ecff6]Siblings:[/color][/b] Khorzg Jregh (half brother, 24), Saghig (brother, 19), Godiva (sister, 14) [b][color=6ecff6]Childhood:[/color][/b] Parents are super married. Orc dad is druid. Grew up in a small wooden cottage out in the forest. Learned about nature and the druid organization from dad. Mom taught about human civilization. [b][color=6ecff6]Adulthood:[/color][/b] Became a druid, but unlike her father did not stick around one grove but decided to travel. Learned that people didn’t really like half-orcs a lot of time. Could pass as a human by wearing a veil over her lower face. Made her also seem exotic. Also made it easier to mess with people. [b][color=6ecff6]Special Moments:[/color][/b] “Hm, well there was that time when I was little where I thought it’s be funny if I pushed Saghig in an ant hill after he spilled some honey on his chest. It was the last bit in our store until next spring and the squig just wastes it all. He had to be laid out in bed for the next week he was covered in so many ant bites. I really got a whooping after that. I was really mean as a kid now that I think about.” “Hmm, maybe it would be better if I told the story about that thing that happened shortly after I started wearing this veil regularly. I was passing through a town and I get pulled into a tavern by some man who was talking really quickly about how glad he was that I was there. I’ve never seen this man in my life, but from how he’s talking about a show, I think he thinks I’m some foreign dancer he paid a lot of money to perform. By this time, I’ve already had an outfit shoved into my hands and it’s too late to tell him that he has the wrong person, so I decide to make the best of a bad situation and try to make the best of a bad situation. Well turns out that it was actually a burlesque show. Naturally I was booed offstage and had to sort things out with the owner of the place. Afterwords I found out the original star of the show got mugged, which is why she was missing. I don’t know why I told that story. It was dreadful.” [b][color=6ecff6]Current Events:[/color][/b] She’s a wanderer. It’s only natural that she stumbles upon adventures occasionally/all the time. [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Relations[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=6ecff6][center]⚜ High Ranking * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ♥ Crush * ⚤ Significant Other * ☠ Enemy[/center][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=6ecff6]☮ Kanti Dryearurdrenn:[/color][/b] An elven ranger she met during her travels. Nice kid, kind of spacey. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]☮ Janice Altorea:[/color][/b] The head of a small farming village. They let me stay for a few days when I was starving, I helped their crop and resolved a longtime wolf problem without any casualties on either side. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]☯ Dathael:[/color][/b] He was a knight or something. Kind of interesting, but also kind of a stick in the mud. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]☯ Vaeri Dryearurdrenn:[/color][/b] Weirdo cleric. Seemed like a decent person. [*] [b][color=6ecff6]☠ Khorzg Jregh:[/color][/b] That bastard needs to be taught a lesson after he nearly tried to burn down the forest. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6ecff6]Character Quote:[/color][/b] Something they say a lot or live by [b][color=6ecff6]Theme Song:[/color][/b] What would be playing when they walk up if we were in a movie? [b][color=6ecff6]Aura Color:[/color][/b] Lavender [b][color=6ecff6]Scent:[/color][/b] From strongest to weakest: Perfume, grass, animal urine [b][color=6ecff6]Anything Else:[/color][/b] [/hider] [hider=Dwarf] [h1][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Nor Dunadkar[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=746f6f]Name:[/color][/b] Nor Dunadkar [b][color=746f6f]Aliases:[/color][/b] The Barber [b][color=746f6f]Age:[/color][/b] 120 [b][color=746f6f]Race:[/color][/b] Mountain Dwarf [b][color=746f6f]Alignment:[/color][/b] Lawful Evil [b][color=746f6f]Place of Origin:[/color][/b] Arian [b][color=746f6f]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=746f6f]Class:[/color][/b] Fighter [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Stats[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=746f6f][i][center]Though we will not be rolling dice for feats, this will give a base line to run off of for your character. Max for any stat is 20, average is 10. You have 75 stat point to assign between the six stats. [/center][/i][/color] [b][color=746f6f]Strength:[/color][/b] 14 [b][color=746f6f]Dexterity:[/color][/b] 15 [b][color=746f6f]Constitution:[/color][/b] 20 [b][color=746f6f]Intelligence:[/color][/b] 8 [b][color=746f6f]Wisdom:[/color][/b] 9 [b][color=746f6f]Charisma:[/color][/b] 9 [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=746f6f]Height:[/color][/b] 4’7” [b][color=746f6f]Weight:[/color][/b] 185 lbs [b][color=746f6f]Build:[/color][/b] Muscle [b][color=746f6f]Eyes:[/color][/b] Cobalt [b][color=746f6f]Hair:[/color][/b] Obsidian, thick and wavy; kept very well groomed, short and stylish. [b][color=746f6f]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Earthenware Clay [b][color=746f6f]Racial Abilities:[/color][/b]Infravision 60, [b][color=746f6f]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Yes [b][color=746f6f]Day To Day Attire:[/color][/b] When he’s traveling, which he does quite often, Nor wears very thick, sturdy clothes. They don’t wear or tear too easily, provide protection against the elements and tend to be made of cheaper material than fine clothing. When he’s not traveling he wears thick, study clothes. They can be used a long time with little to no fuss and tend to be made of cheaper material than finer clothes. ‘Sides, when you work with Dwarven hair fer a living, thick clothes keep ya from feeling itchy all over. [b][color=746f6f]Strengths:[/color][/b] Indomitable Will, Swift Fingers, Strong Memory [b][color=746f6f]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] Gimpy left knee, hemorrhoids, thin-blooded [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=746f6f][center]Arrogant * Team Player * Greedy * Dependable[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=746f6f]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Straight [b][color=746f6f]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Technically married. It’s a long story [b][color=746f6f]Personality:[/color][/b] If there’s one thing in life that you have to learn, it’s that you always need to look out for Number 1. A lot of folk, especially traditionalists will go on about how important it is to be in a group, the support you can provide and blah, blah, blah. But these same people will gladly double-cross their own flesh and blood for a bit o’ gold, property and land. Even if they pretend to hide it, they know what’s really important. You know who’ll never go against your best interests or try to manipulate you? Yourself. And you know how you can protect yourself from gettin’ stepped all over? [i]Power.[/i] Get some power and they may snub about your attitude in their head or behind your back, but they’ll come to heel when you call. Now it’s important that ye don’t misunderstand what’s being said. People can be useful and nice to have around. Sometimes you even need to trust em with yer life (usually when under risk of being wiped out by a buncha green blokes out fer blood), but try not to make a habit of it, and always be ready to cut down the guy before you afore he can. [b][color=746f6f]Habits:[/color][/b] Scratching his beard, Laughing Menacingly [b][color=746f6f]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Hunting large animals [b][color=746f6f]Fears:[/color][/b] Oceans, Lightning, Vampires [b][color=746f6f]Likes:[/color][/b] Tidy Hair, blood, money, revenge, knives, children [b][color=746f6f]Dislikes:[/color][/b] Unkempt hair, liars, cowards, jewelry, cold food, randomness [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=746f6f][i][center]A listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision - this also includes any racial edges[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Intimidation:[/color][/b] Self explanatory [*] [b][color=746f6f]Animal Handling:[/color][/b] He knows how to work with animals [*] [b][color=746f6f]Profession (Barber):[/color][/b] He’s good at the trimming and styling of men’s hair. He could probably do something with lady hair if he tried [*] [b][color=746f6f]Weapon Proficiency (Knives):[/color][/b] Stab, stab, stab [*] [b][color=746f6f]Shield Proficiency:[/color][/b] Luckily it will protect me [*] [b][color=746f6f]Weapon Proficiency (Polearms):[/color][/b] Stab at a distance [/list] [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Magic[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=746f6f][i][center]A listing of spells, their descriptions - casting times, elements needed to cast, expected damage, any draw packs to casting - Limit 5 for single class, limit 3 for dual class - magic classes only[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Dwarf:[/color][/b] He can’t use magic because he’s a non-spellcaster dwarf. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Possessions[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=746f6f]Possessions Generally On Person:[/color][/b] Clothing, coin purse, money, etc [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Traveler’s Clothes:[/color][/b] Boots, tunic, Trousers, Cloak, standard stuff [*] [b][color=746f6f]Coin Pouch:[/color][/b] For small purchases [*] [b][color=746f6f]Utility Knife:[/color][/b] For not stabbing people [*] [b][color=746f6f]Masterwork Dwarven Straight Razor:[/color][/b] Sharper than George Carlin’s wit [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [b][color=746f6f]Weapons:[/color][/b] Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Dwarven Combat Knife:[/color][/b] It’s big, wicked and more than enough to gut a human clean [*] [b][color=746f6f]Tower Shield:[/color][/b] Big enough to completely hide behind if he kneels right next to it sideways. Makes an effective battering ram. [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [b][color=746f6f]Armor:[/color][/b] Base armor only, no magically enhanced items [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Full Plate:[/color][/b] Made with traditional dwarf forging techniques, this full suit of armor is definitely tough, but Nor doesn’t wear it without having occasion to [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [b][color=746f6f]Animals:[/color][/b] Have a horse or bird? Limit 1 non bonded [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Mule:[/color][/b] She pulls the cart. Her name is Dorka [/list] [b][color=746f6f]Pack Contents:[/color][/b] What do you carry in you pack when traveling [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Small Cart/Wagon:[/color][/b] Nor doesn’t actually have a pack, but a wagon that holds things he needs for business inside [*] [b][color=746f6f]Barber Items:[/color][/b] Kettle for heating water, shaving cream, boar hair brush, Chair for sitting in, small and large towels, hair scissors, combs and brushes [*] [b][color=746f6f]Survival Stuff:[/color][/b] Bedroll, 10 pints oil, Two Week’s feed, 2 weeks rations, lantern, Firestarter, 50 feet of rope [*] [b][color=746f6f]Money Stash:[/color][/b] Where the serious dough is contained. If you touch, you get stabbed [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [b][color=746f6f]Magical Items:[/color][/b] Limit 2 low level [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Deluxe Shaving Cream:[/color][/b] Anywhere it is applied, it prevents razor burn [*] [b][color=746f6f]Floating Mirror:[/color][/b] About as large as a human face, it’ll stick in the exact same position it was let go of. [/list] [b][color=746f6f]Potions:[/color][/b] Premade or prepurchased potions - limit 5 [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Cure Light Wounds (5):[/color][/b] Sometimes you nick yourself while shaving and you don’t want to wait for it to heal [*] [b][color=746f6f]Cure Serious Wounds (2):[/color][/b] For more serious occasions [*] [b][color=746f6f]Grease:[/color][/b] The wagon wheels get stiff occasionally [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [b][color=746f6f]Creation Materials:[/color][/b] Anything used to brew potions or for alchemy [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Item:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=746f6f]Parents:[/color][/b] Gnor Dunadkar (Father, deceased) and Lior (Mother, also deceased) [b][color=746f6f]Siblings:[/color][/b] Knor Dunadkar (Older Brother, estranged, still alive) [b][color=746f6f]Childhood:[/color][/b] “I come from a long line o’ barbers: Me father was a barber, an’ his father an’ his. That might sound rather droll, but the barber is one o’ the most important jobs in Dwarven Civilization. Ooh sure ye know about how me people takes pride in their facial hair, but ye cannae maintain a high level o’ quality by yerself fer a long period o’ time. Dwarven barbers ‘ave just as many, if not more secrets an’ skills as any blacksmith or brewer, but they always get the spotlight. [i]Ptuh[/i] Anyways, moost o’ me years as a wee lad were spent learnin’ the family trade from me Pop.” [b][color=746f6f]Adulthood:[/color][/b] “Soo when I was of age, I join the military. At the time we were at war with the greenskins soo it was only the right thing fer me tae protect me home an’ me family. I spent five years out there in the thick o’ things, an’ when I come back, me backstabbin’ brother’s made himself nice an’ coomfy in me house with me wife. An’ on top o’ all that, I’m framed fer some crime. Somethin’ about stealin’ some jewels. I don’ remember, twas many years ago. But I remember what I did. I busted my way into me house, got me tools, decked tha’ bastard Knor a good one an’ set off on me oown. If the people I bled fer don’t appreciate me, Fuck Em. Since then, I been travelin’ and offerin my services, but most non-Dwarves don’t seem to see the craft I have at me disposal. I put me military training tae good use and do mercenary work as a side job when hair ain’ payin’ the bills.” [b][color=746f6f]Special Moments:[/color][/b] Once when he was a child, Nor decided to race against his brother in a swimming contest. See who could swim farther out into the ocean before getting scared. Turns out there is very good reason to be scared of the ocean, the primary reason rhyming with Tea Nonster. Another time, after a night of drinking and merrymaking, Nor found himself naked in bed with a vampire and a gold band on his ring finger. Apparently he ended up getting married before the night was over. What. Although she was rich, hot and powerful, she came to be obsessed with him and really scary. Tried turning him and shit. It didn’t take long for him to escape her and get away as far as he could from her. From that day onward, Nor swore to never touch a drop of liquor again. He also developed a fear towards vampires he didn’t have before. He counts himself lucky that it wasn’t an aversion to women in general. [b][color=746f6f]Current Events:[/color][/b] Nor is actually travelling toward Salarn in the opposite direction of the main party. He heard that he could pick up some good pay as a mercenary there. [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Relations[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=746f6f][center]⚜ High Ranking * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ♥ Crush * ⚤ Significant Other * ☠ Enemy[/center][/color] [color=746f6f][i][center]You may work out several predone relations as NPCs you control. Limit one high ranking character, minimal of one sworn enemy - all npcs are limited to base information and items within the Rp. Relations can be worked out between player character before start of Rp if you wish and added to during the Rp [/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=746f6f]☠Cremwise☠:[/color][/b] “That two-timin’ bastard hired me tae guard his cart and then ditched me and twelve other men halfway through. I swear on Moradin if I see his mug again…” [*] [b][color=746f6f]⚜⚤☠Meliscent Grey☠⚤⚜:[/color][/b] It’s complicated. [*] [b][color=746f6f]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=746f6f]Name:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [h3][b][i][color=746f6f][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=746f6f]Character Quote:[/color][/b] C’mere [b][color=746f6f]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_JF8oSxXtM]Motorhead - The Game[/URL] [b][color=746f6f]Aura Color:[/color][/b] A thick black that sticks to what it touches [b][color=746f6f]Scent:[/color][/b] Hair and shaving cream [b][color=746f6f]Anything Else:[/color][/b] [/hider]