[@TheTwistedOne]Hopefully this one works for you. [hider=CS] Name: Terrence Redmond Age: 28 His Appearance (some of the time):[hider=Human][img]http://i.imgur.com/4W6IVGT.png[/img][/hider] His Alter Appearance: (usually due to extreme negative emotions/though not exclusively.):[hider=Not So Human][img]http://i.imgur.com/nKw7kkj.jpg?1[/img][/hider] Race: ??? Manticore/Human (at least that's what he used to be.) Gender: Male Occupation: Doctor Location: West Side. A Brief History: Considered to be brilliant even at a young age, everyone in his family. His parents and his 3 older siblings treated him like a prodigy, and he really never liked any of it. Even back then, he did his best to not show off his intelligence in casual conversation. Becoming a doctor, and a damn good one at that. His patients say that he almost seem to already know what was wrong with them before he even looked at their chart. He was in his early twenties and already pretty well off. Both of his parents, getting in a terrible car crash a few days after his birthday was what he thought would be the worst day of his life. He was wrong... When the event happened, even to this day his memories are still hazy. All he could remember was feeling like he was suffocating in a haze of thick black fog and a large shadow was towering over him, he felt as if he couldn't move and blacked out. He woke up, so a horrible, large monster starting back at him, in the pool of water. From the flooded street seemed like he'd been out long enough to miss an entire storm. He quickly realized the reflection, was himself. He felt that he had been cursed from that day forward, immediately trying to find his siblings without really thinking about how they would react, when he arrived back home. He saw, looking in horror that two of his siblings we're dead. Looking as if they've been slaughtered in their home and the other was nowhere to be seen. No longer considered to be a human in the eyes of most, as many in the slums were now too afraid of him. He had been given the option to live on the west side as a Doctor, he had plenty of money that he could afford it. His patients are now, are not the humans he once treated, but monsters or other races instead. But he is still quite popular. Growing ever more resentful of the curse that had been forced upon him. He looks for ways to join the Rebellion...without the Rebellion thinking he's a monster. Other: He is extremely brilliant, and still believes he is a human and one day will change back to normal. But in his monstrous form he is extremely powerful and dangerous. And as his patients once said, as a joke. Ever since he changed, he really could see anything wrong with his patients. As all ailments and problems appear clearly in his head. Making him quite good at his job. He recently started to make medicine of his own, creating his own chemist lab in his own apartment where he lives. Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdXJAe3y7bE [/hider]