So I got overwhelmed by school and other things for a whole year, buuuut now I'm back! Getting right down to business: [list] [*] My timezone is PST (GMT-8)! I'm also online pretty often and am perfectly comfortable with playing with anyone, even if they're on the other side of the world so that our schedules don't match up. I'm a patient person! [*] I am over 18. That being said, while I am pretty comfortable with most things, I would like to discuss anything that would warrant a 18+ warning beforehand just so that we're on the same page! [*] I'm fine with canon/canon, oc/canon, or oc/oc with pretty much everything I've listed below. I highly prefer to play M/F pairs, but I'm up for F/F or M/M as well if you'd like to double! Please do feel free to ask! [*] Relating to the above, doubling is perfectly fine with me! I'm also 100% comfortable with playing both female and male characters. [*] I typically write an upwards of three paragraphs and up! For the most part, I'll try to match whatever my partner is most comfortable with. I can do anywhere from two paragraphs to ten (though honestly, it takes me foreeever to reply if we're doing really long replies) [*] I highly prefer RPing over PM, but I might be open to Skype, AIM, or threads. Let me know your preference! [/list] Onto the fandoms! It's a pretty short list right now, but I'll add/switch things as more things come to mind or as my interest changes. Again, I can do RPs with just canons, canon/ocs, or just OCs (unless otherwise stated)! [center][b][u]CRAVING[/u][/b] Fire Emblem [i][I've played every FE game excluding the second one! I've finished Conquest and Birthright, and am on chapter 23 of Revelation, so those are at the top of my craving list right now. Canon, canon/oc, or oc/oc are all fine with me! Open for small group RPs as well. ][/i][/center] [center][b][u]ANIME[/u][/b] None that come to mind right now. [/center] [center][b][u]VIDEO GAMES[/u][/b] Persona [i][If canon or canon/oc, I'm comfortable with every game in this series!][/i] Silent Hill [i][Preference for OC-only, but we can discuss!][/i] Fatal Frame [i][Same as above][/i] More to come![/center] If you're interested in a series but don't see it up there, feel free to ask! I may have just forgotten it, or I may just not be craving it but would be willing to give it a go anyways. Other games I like include Ace Attorney, Harvest Moon, 999, Tales of, and various horror games and RPGs. Just let me know, and I'll get back to you asap!