[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/maTCt8I.png[/img][/center] [hr] [right][b]Pinos Altos, New Mexico. 1200HRS Local Time.[/b][/right] There was something poetic about being virtually off the map. Only people who lived here lived for tourism. The only people that came were tourists, Bruce had spent some time in communities like this. They were quiet, simple. Nobody gave him a second glance as he walked off the bus, hand raised to shield his eyes from the blinding sun. He looked down at his new clothes almost chuckling to himself slightly. Long gone were the lab coats, instead he had a much more rugged look compared to what he would have ever dreamed wearing. He had purple trousers on, if that wasn't a sign that the world was going mad he didn't really know what was. Several years ago he had been using his intellect to try and make the world a better place, now he was using it to procure enough money for him to get here. He stood on front of a derelict house, one of many that called this small 'Ghost Town' home. At one point he had bought it, with grand plans on renovating it. It would have been a nice summer, if not retirement home one day. For him, and for Betty. Shoving what had happened out of his mind he walked up to the house, the wooden porch creaking underfoot, before putting the key in the lock and twisting it. The smell of dust greeted him as he walked into the house, closing the door behind him. He didn't know how many people knew of this place, but he knew that LexCorp and the military didn't. If they had they would have searched it years ago, he'd be safe here. At least until he could get back on his feet again. Loosing his life in Vista Verde had been a major blow to him, it had made him realize that peaceful co-existence wasn't possible with the Hulk. He had desperately hoped it was, after all the Hulk had fought the Abomination. Though was that out of heroism or just blind range? Probably the latter. Hulk after all, only really cared about Hulk and no-one else. Ignoring everything else he walked up the creaking stairs, hoping they didn't collapse under him, and into the bedroom. While he had barely furnished the house he [i]had[/i] had a bed brought in. After all when he was going to be renovating he wasn't going to be paying for a hotel. Collapsing into the almost solid mattress sheer exhaustion meant that it did not take him long to fall asleep. [i]Flashes, massive fists pounding into the ground. He could see Ross, before something hit him. Hit him hard, the force sending him backwards through walls of brick and mortar. He looked up, and there in a glass pane crouched the Hulk. Banner tried to back himself up and out of the way, but Hulks arm grabbed him around the waist and through into the darkness... Where he was falling, falling. Until he hit the bottom, air leaving his body with the force of the fall. Until he felt the large hand of the Hulk pick him up, squeezing him hard enough that he couldn't draw breath. [color=598527]"What do you want?"[/color] Hulk leaned forward, all that existed in his eyes was anger and rage. Through gritted teeth [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/0/40/2057334-1.jpg]he spoke.[/url] [color=007236][b]"Leave, Hulk, Alone."[/b][/color] [/i] With that Bruce awoke with a start, sweat running down his breath. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he worked to fight against it. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath in letting it fill his lungs before slowly releasing it. He had just got here, he was [i]not[/i] going to let Hulk ruin things for him again. In fact, this time it would be he that ruined things for the Hulk. [hr] How disappointingly predictable, he had expected such tactics from the beast. Though from Banner he had expected far greater things, it had taken him some time to discover this small lodging. He would give Banner credit for that, but he had found it and had watched it ever since. Truly he had given up the prospect that Banner would ever return, but as with all science it was preferable to cover every variable and on this day it offered the best results possible. Pinos Altos was far away from [i]any[/i] LexCorp or Military interference and that was exactly what he needed, it gave his employee room to play with. [color=fff200]"I have the location for you. Move now."[/color]