[center][img]http://s8.postimg.org/r37k2n3b9/tumblr_o368unkl2u1svfe0so1_1280.png[/img][/center] [center][color=FFA500][i]What kind of God would I be if I did not answer prayers?[/i] -Thor, God of Thunder.[/color][/center] [b]Coast City - United States - Midgard[/b] Thor was still. Hammer held by his side in a clenched fist, the Odinson stood utterly still but for his heaving chest and gritted teeth. The only noticeable movement was in his arm; his muscles were taut and straining. His hammer was growing heavy. [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c8/66/6e/c8666e2e99810cf83c01b25b84f049e6.jpg[/img][/center] Even as he had struck at the witch in a flying leap Thor had felt it. As he had lashed out Thor had felt his trajectory alter by the barest minimum, enough that his blow would no longer prove fatal. It had not mattered in the end, his crimson compatriot had whisked Thor's foe out of harm's way. Even now the Flash whirled around the battlefield, dealing with all he encountered with a speed that even Thor envied. He had not rated the fleet-footed fighter as much of a challenge at their first meeting but, having fought beside the man, Thor was impressed by the Flash's ingenuity in his use of his abilities. A shout from one of the mortals around him brought Thor's attention back to the present. The hammer in his grasp [i]was[/i] heavier than it had been only a few moments ago. [color=FFA500][b]'Enough Mjolnir,'[/b][/color] Thor murmured softly, [color=FFA500][b]'I understand.'[/b][/color] Worthiness was a mysterious concept. Before he had arrived on Midgard Thor had killed many enemies and was known for his hot temper. He had used Mjolnir in his victories and his hammer had never so much as tired his arm. Now he was unable to deliver a killing blow. After all these years Thor still did not know why. But he knew what it meant. To be worthy in this realm, Thor [i]could not [/i]kill. The heat of battle had caused him to forget, had brought his own way of thinking to the fore. Now, as he stared at the battleground around him, Thor knew only one thing: he could not remain. The battle was not quite over but, for his own sake, he could not risk rejoining the fray. As if sensing his new state of mind, Mjolnir seemed to grow lighter once again; allowing his fingers to loosen his grip Thor released his hammer until he was holding it by its leather strap. He swung Mjolnir until a small whirlwind began to form. Releasing the motion, Thor allowed the energy travelling through Mjolnir to bear him into the sky. Thor soared into the air and allowed Mjolnir to carry him away from the battlefield. He soared away at speeds even the fastest bird could not hope to match. [center][img]http://www.theavengersgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Thor-Takes-Flight2.jpg[/img][/center]