[@Dmessenger] Oh, that's right. Thanks for reminding me with your photo [h2][color=9e0b0f]Attention:[/color][/h2] I DO NOT WANT ANY PHOTOS OF ACTUAL PEOPLE FOR YOUR CS. [hider=reason for no real people images] Now, I understand that this has no cs but I assume that there will be people that are getting bullied here (since it's high school and there always is). And those type of people usually has a certain type of appearance. Something different that might stand out to others and make them a target. I know that this happening but I do [i]not[/i] like the word “ugly” being flown around. While it will most likely be said in this RP, I do not want any images because that would be aiming towards that person. Now, it may be realistic images such as-- [hider=ex] [img]http://i.imgur.com/N9wA6tr.jpg[/img] [/hider] But that’s as close as it gets to real people, you get it? I don’t need people to put a bunch of anime images since this will be realistic but just don’t use actual people. Sorry~ but I hope you understand.[/hider] With that said and done, do you guys have any particular places you want to add to the town?