For a while Leander wasn't able to do anything but stare. The stranger was an equal match - he patiently stared back, his hand extended, his eyebrow raised like a question mark. It was difficult to say which was more peculiar – a fine-looking suited man stepping out of a box that fell from the heavens or his unexpected friendliness. Either way, the situation was fishy, but for the first time in forever he didn't feel that rush of panic he usually did when faced with an absolute stranger. Instead there was unexplainable excitement bubbling up inside him. He badly wanted to say something, but no sound would come out. Cursing his muteness in his mind, he shyly scanned the potential madman’s face, hoping to find an answer to what he had just witnessed. It betrayed nothing whatsoever – an open-hearted smile, kind and timeless eyes – everything referred to an utterly pleasant persoon. The man was still waiting and after a long, awkward silence, he burst out laughing, took Leander’s limp hand from his side and shook it himself.