[@BlackPanther] Rhona eyes stretched open wide with surprise as Alec held her in his lap. Her body trembled slightly harder in response to his comforting advance, yet couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. She hesitantly wrapped her arms gently around Alec, though her grip was practically nonexistent, and hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder. She exhaled deeply and closed her eyes. "Um... C-can we just stay like this...? For a little while longer...? It feels nice to be like this..." She murmered softly and blushed. She snuggled up to him a little and buried her face in his chest. "Your really warm..." Her voice was slightly muffled and a little harder to make out. Rhona's body started to disappear into specks of light, that rose into the sky and disappear. She kissed Alec on the lips, her kiss warm, gentle, and filled with love yet hinted sadness. "Good bye, Alec... I... I-I love you very much." Was the last thing she said smiling gently and tears ran down her cheeks, her voice intermingled with echoes, before her what was left of her body turned to specks of light and vanished. Back in waking world, Rhona slowly opened her eyes and sat up. [color=ed1c24]"So ya met with him?"[/color] Leon asked. Rhona nodded. "Yes I did." [color=ed1c24]"Did... Ya tell him? About what we did?"[/color] Rhona looked down sadly. "Yes I did." Leon sighed and rubbed Rhona back soothingly. [color=ed1c24]"It's gonna be OK... It's gonna be OK... While you were asleep; Cia called for you. Rhona... It's time. "[/color] Rhona nodded and stood up. " I know. " She replied then opened a portal to where Cia was waiting for them. Leon followed closely behind her as she walked through the portal. [@Cuccoruler] The twins calmly stood before the enraged goddess. "You called for us. Therefore we have arrived just as you had ask, [i]Cia.[/i]" Her words were as sharp as blades as she spoke the goddess' name. In one of Leon's hands, a bow manifested, and in the other was engulfed in electricity. He was ready to retaliate, should Cia decide to attack.