She woke up, feeling very unpleasant as it felt like her head after one too many drinks. If she knew what that even felt like as she hadn't touched anything alcoholic in years...she stopped at the moment. But wait why did she not do so? And where the hell was she? Who exactly was she? Every other memory she tried to process just wasn't coming in clearly. Her mind was in an empty haze. Did she have amnesia? No, she couldn't believe it. She thought it was ridiculous but her lack of any memory her thoughts quickly changed. Seeing her HUD displaying: "LOW ATMO!" "DANGER!" as she was trying to process exactly where she was. As it was hard to even see as she wiped the blood away that was impairing her vision, wondering whose blood this was. Not feeling wounded in anyway, assuming it wasn't hers. She looked around as she saw herself inside the rather small cyropod, a chill went down her spine as she had a sudden brief moment of panic and confusion. As she slammed the door of the cyropod her hands a few times to push it away, so she could be free as she felt quite claustrophobic. As the cyropod door came unhinged and fell off with a crash. As she was taken aback by her own strength. She took the deepest breath she could to calm herself down, as the air felt stale. Quickly she stepped outside into the room and tried to get a better look at herself, seeing the suit with Dark Red on it. She quickly heard some sounds, like other people. She almost instinctively headed off to search for the voices, used to the difference of gravity not even thinking about it or realizing it quite yet. Navigating through a rather dark and barely lit hallway. Suddenly seeing others in suits just like hers, but with different colors as she heard the one in Dark Blue say.[b]"Who are you?"[/b] How could she even respond, she didn't know either. As another person in Turquoise spoke soon after. [i][color=9e0b0f]"Breathable? Med bay? Were they all on some kind of ship?"[/color][/i] She thought to herself as it at the time made sense. Soon followed by another person wearing Purple coming seemingly out of nowhere from one of the doors saying something else. She had a feeling they we're not threats, after all they all had similar suits. She knew at the moment she couldn't just keep her thought to herself, as she just looked around the room seeing a spaceship like interior hearing various rather strange sounds coming from outside this room. Looking at the others until so she spoke out the obvious question. Because she had to know... [color=9e0b0f]"D-do any of you remember anything, anything at all?"[/color] She spoke but it came out quite softly, hoping that she was heard so she didn't have to repeat herself as she stood there waiting for a response.