After the routine sound check and a moment to regroup, the show began with the line up only slightly altered. Jane's two picks were at the end of the set this time - one, of course, was the single which would be played last- and the five songs beforehand were picked by Austin, Sam, and Rob. She enjoyed changing the set list; her mentality for it was to keep them from getting bored night after night. The band played without a hitch, and Jane noticed the crowd singing along to the songs, the songs made [i]before[/i] the single. She was impressed, but mostly flattered, and it was enough of a confidence boost to push her through the first five songs. Hell, she was moving around just like the old days, before she grew exhausted of the music they were making. Jane would say a few words to the crowd to either keep them pumped or make them laugh, which was one of her favorite parts of being on stage. Only one thing was bothering her during their set. Rob. It wasn't that he was playing well, [i]he always played well[/i], but he didn't add his normal flare. He played what was necessary to keep the set moving. And even though Jane was grateful for that amount of effort, it wasn't enough to satisfy her. How could she make him happy with a crowd of people watching them? At the end of the fifth song, she looked to Austin and Sam and nodded so that she'd have their attention, and then Jane looked to Rob and crossed her eyes goofily. "Fuck it," she breathed into the mic, "I'm gonna go off course here. This song's a cover. It's called [url=]Weatherman[/url]." She took a moment to catch her breath before continuing. "Haven't sung this shit in years, so I might die," she announced with a smirk. The crowd responded with a collective "Wooooo!" "What, you guys want me to die?" She laughed as she removed the sweaty strands of hair from her face with her fingers. "That's rude as fuck." She nodded to Sam before he began to play the opening notes which turned the switch of nostalgia on in Jane's mind. Rob had always told her how much he loved the way her voice sounded when she sang it, and that was the reason she always covered it whenever the opportunity presented itself, even though it killed her throat. Jane began to rock her body as Rob's drums began to sound off, and a wide grin took over her face. "Come on!" Jane screamed into the microphone, the opening line, and the crowd began to cheer. She danced around the stage a little more and taking a swig from her beer that sat next to the microphone stand. "His skin was soft as leather I'm the weatherman No one else more dedicated I'm the weatherman" Her voice was cracking a bit, but to anyone's ears but hers, it blended in with the general raspiness of Jane's voice. And then their was the chorus: "So go for the kill" Fuck, it had been a while. "Cause no one else cares" Her voice did what it was supposed to: breaking into a scream when Jane forced it enough. God, it hurt though. "Go for the kill, Go for the kill" She went for the trill at the end of the line, which always made her and Rob crack up, and after it was repeated another three times, she looked to him and laughed. The rest of the song was played to perfection, and Jane didn't know if she had it in her to do another one. But she had to, it was the [i]single[/i]. A slightly tired version of the song later, she thanked the cheering crowd and exited the stage and rested her hands on her knees as she crouched over to catch her breath. A breathy "fuck" escaped her as her lungs desperately tried to make up for lost air. That was when Sam approached her. "God, I never thought we'd do Weatherman again. That was fucking nuts," he exclaimed as he nudged her, nearly knocking her over. She grinned and wiped the sweat from her forehead as she stood up straight. "Yeah, it was cool." Jane hoped it would help Rob get out of the funk he was in. It was killing her. She missed her best friend. Mark and Sarah approached her soon after, and they exchanged numbers and provided Jane with the address to their house. God, what was Jane getting herself into? [i]A shower. A bed to sleep in.[/i] Jane smiled to herself at her thoughts. [i]And two attractive strangers.[/i] Instead of waiting around to see what Rob thought, she picked up some of their equipment and went back to the van, loaded what she carried in the trailer, and slumped into the driver's seat of the van. Jane was sick of the unspoken drama that had been unfolding, and she was ready to relax, and most importantly, to get laid. She wasn't sure if it was the excitement from the show or the tension happening between her and Rob, but she desperately wanted to get back to Mark and Sarah's house to distract her from her thoughts. She cursed to herself as she lit a cigarette and waited on the guys to get in the van. The heat trapped in the flannel she wore hit her like a brick, and Jane held the cigarette in her mouth as she clawed at it and threw it in the back. Looking down, she noticed the sweat that had formed from her neck to about halfway down her chest on the tight gray shirt. Maybe gray wasn't a great idea.