[hr][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/154ft5t.png[/img][hr] [center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/23v115g.png[/img][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxnaPa8ohmM]Theme Song | I Mean It - G-Eazy[/url] [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]N A M E;;[/i][/color] Bao Yang. [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]N I C K N A M E;;[/i][/color] Bao is just fine. [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]A G E;;[/i][/color] Sixteen. [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]G E N D E R;;[/i][/color] Female. [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]S E X U A L I T Y;;[/i][/color] Heterosexual. [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S;;[/i][/color] Single and somewhat ready to mingle. [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]C L A S S F I C A T I O N;;[/i][/color] Junior. [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]A P P E A R A N C E;;[/i][/color] Bao is of Hmong descent giving her a nice golden tan all year round. She had dark brown eyes and originally black hair that she lightens to a soft brown tone. She is petite, standing at around 5ft tall and weighs around 110lbs. Her clothing is very urban and comfortable. Her mother would say she dresses very sloppily, but everything has been planned to look as such. She wears makeup daily, and is never seen in public without it. [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]L I K E S;;[/i][/color] - Shades of red - Home cooking - Dancing (Hip Hop) - Smoking hookah - Staying up to date with fashion [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]D I S L I K E S;;[/i][/color] - Tradition - Her nose - Spending money - Being center of attention - Getting lectured by her parents [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]P E R S O N A L I T Y;;[/i][/color] Reliable. Easy Going. Optimistic. Silly. [i]A friend in need is a friend indeed![/i] This saying applies to Bao in many shapes and forms. When you need her, she will be there. She is the type to drive to your house at any hour of the night in case you need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on. Willing to do about anything if asked, she doesn't have very strong leadership skills or ability to command anyone to do anything. One to look on the bright side of the things, and lets you know that tomorrow will be a better day. She'll make damn sure of it. However silly and carefree Bao appears to be, she often has moments of self doubt and self depreciation. Her parents have held a very tight leash on her, and want her to follow a traditional lifestyle in the Hmong culture, which she feels is a bit over the top. She hopes one day she can find a simple balance between the two. [color=f6989d][color=de0240]▲[/color][i]B A C K G R O U N D;;[/i][/color] [i]Plaub hau ntxhov thiaj yuav zuag los ntsis Plaub ntug ntxhov thiaj yuav txwj laus los lis.[/i] Tangled hair, use a comb to unsnarl it, Complicated dispute, use an elder to solve it. Bao has been raised under a traditional Hmong American household. One that dictates you do as your parents say, as they have done as their parents have told them. Originally born in Thailand, Bao's family came to America before Bao was even one. Her father works at a corporate office and her mother stays at home doing the cooking, cleaning, and raising of Bao's two younger sisters; aged 13 and 5. All in all they live a middle class lifestyle, in a small 3 bedroom home. Bao isn't very close to her parents, and looks to them as regulations and rules rather than guidance and friendship. School was a serious thing for Bao, her parents expected her to do the very best that she was capable of, and then exceed that point. Her parents wanted her to be a doctor or a nurse or a lawyer, while Bao had eyes on the art scene- music, fashion, movies. Something that was considered a "stupid dream" and a "waste of time and money". It was then she decided to join the break dancing club. Lying to her parents that she was taking up an after school study class to practice for ACTS and SATS exams, Bao went behind her parents back to go into the club that provided her with some release of stress from her everyday wear and tear of living up to her parents expectations. She has a longing to one day tell her parents about her activities but knows that it might be a catastrophic event when she does. [/center]