Aya sighs in relief, seeing the edge of the town she believed would have existed near the graveyard. Sitting on the grass beneath her feet, Aya takes a moment to check the other items she had pilfered from the graveyard. Opening the bag, she was surprised to see at least a week's worth of food and water, almost as if someone had- She violently shakes her head, ridding herself of the thought. If someone had known of her situation, they would have called the local authorities to aid her. Speaking of calling, the other item she had acquired was an old flip phone model, which apparently had two new messages on it. Opening the phone, Aya reads over the first message quickly in silence. Almost immediately after she finished reading the message, she had to stop herself from breaking the phone in angry denial. So, apparently, she was either dead and going through some sort of trial to come back to life, or had wanted something so bad that she allowed herself to join in a death game for that reason. If she could see her past self, Aya would probably slap her right across the face. Calming herself down, she reads the next message, which held what looked to be her "first mission". What the text said in a nutshell was: "find someone to partner with." Didn't sound too hard to her. Right after the thought crosses her mind, she hears a few loud gunshots coming from the town. Never mind. Walking into the town, Aya starts to hear a faint, hollow crying, as if the source of the sound was far ahead of her. Aya's heart breaks a little, hearing that the source of the sound was feminine and high pitched. A young girl, she was guessing. Adjusting the battle-axe she held on her shoulder, she starts moving towards the sound, hoping that no one was hurt and wanting to comfort the mystery girl.