Vladimir played his music transitioning from grunge rock to folk rock songs. People started to pass him, some he knew and the majority he didn't, but they all seemed to enjoy the music he was playing. Obe girl with pink hair actually sat near he motor bike and lit a cigarette. "[I]Classy. I guess you can say might get smoked out by the teachers....Shut up Vlad, that was a stupid pun."[/I] Vladimir finished his song when he heard the girl with pink hair speak. "Famous..." Vladimir muttered. He watched as she started her bike. "I'd like to try at least!" Vladimir called not sure if she heard him. Vladimir pondered who she was. He knew for a fact that he had seen her around, but her name he could not remember for the life of him. "[I]The damn hair should give it away[/I]." He sighed. Vladimir decided to go back to his room to check to see if his roommate had arrived. Vladimir set his guitar back in it's case. After zipping the case up he put the case on his back. Vladimir checked his pockets. After making absolutely sure he had all his belongings, Vladimir entered the dorm building. The atrium felt even emptier to him. He glanced at the desk and saw that the woman at the front desk was gone. Vladimir strode over to the elevator and went up to the second floor. When arriving at his room he saw the door was left ajar. "[I]Looks like my rommate finally arrived. Well I'm surprised at least he showed up...there's still a week before school."[/I] Vladimir entered his room. Vladimir called out. He placed his guitar down on the sofa. A boy approached him and offered his hand. Respectfully, Vladimir shooked his hand. "Cole, I'm Vladimir, Vladimir Kalkovich. Yes I'm Russian. And what you have heard about Russians probably is true. For example, we all love Vodka. It's the only thing I drink. So I'm drunk all the time. All Russians are resistant to the cold. I have never owned a winter coat...ever. We're born hot blooded..." Vladimir smiled a bit. "Sorry, I usually tell sarcastic jokes. It's just who I am." Vladimir felt a little unnerved by Cole. Something about his ethos pissed him off. "Well, we're roommates now, so let us have a good time." Vladimir smiled. "I'm actually going to see if anyone I know has showed up. I only came last year after Christmas, so I'm bot familiar with everyone. You're welcome to join me, but I understand if you would like to unpack." Vladimir exited his room, patting his pockets reassuring himself his key was in his pocket. As Vladimir msde it to the elevator hallway, he looked down the right wing and saw two familiar faces standing by their room door "[I]Catherine and Julie...[/i]" Catherine had sat next to him in math his first semester at Caelbury. Julie on the other hand was president of the international club. She helped Vladimir with the transition from Russia to America. They had both been very nice even though he showed up half way through the year. Vladimir walked over to them. "Hello my friends, Julie and Catherine. It has been very long time." Vladimir said brightly. "How are you two doing?" ---- Waiting for Ex before posting for Alice.