[b]"Only a few more people, don't worry."[/b] Dylan said as he addressed the question of how many more people would be showing up. When asked about bottled water rather then booze or pop, Dylan laughed at the girl and raised an eyebrow. [b]"Come on, Jihyo. Water? Of course its here. I've got a case in the fridge you can help yourself to. I know you liked it cold, so there you go, bud."[/b] he said with a smile as he pat her back and walked away, heading towards the television. He had noticed that an extraordinary amount of game systems and controllers had been plopped down on the side table, which he laughed at. He saw an XboxOne, which was cool because he already had a Wii-U and a PS4 laying in wait. The N64 with four controllers, however, he already owned, so he moved the console out of everybody's way and placed it on the counter. The four controllers, however, he kept due to the fact some people felt more comfortable using their own controllers. ((This next part, regardless if your game master character has entered Dylan's apartment by the time of this posting, you will all be present to witness it. It is, after all, a GM event :3)) As it seemed like everybody was done piling into the apartment, Dylan stood up in front of the television and waved out. [b]"Hey everyone, glad you could make it. Okay, so you know the drill. Tonight begins the "First Annual Tournament of Video Game Mastery". Over the course of the next four days, we will... Ah fuck it, you know the drill: play games, beat the other guy, all that fun shit. Once we enter the final rounds, those who have been disqualified will pick the games at which each player must face off against. If the game allows four players, first place is an automatic win, while second and third will play again in a single match to determine who passes on to the next round, and who doesn't. Okay, so lets have some fun and get down to business. For the first event, we've got a bit of a fan favourite."[/b] Dylan announced happily. As he spoke about the first event, he switched on the Wii and turned on the TV screen. His Wii-mote drifted over to the play icon and the logo for "Super Smash Brothers Brawl" came up on the screen. [b]"Now, a few rules before we begin this warm-up event: There will be no items, including Smash Balls. You cannot be the same character as anybody else in the match, and you must use at least 1 of each tier character: Light, Medium, Heavy. What order you use them in, I don't really care. Also, try to be fair to others and don't spam powerful attacks. If I see anybody using "Thunder" as Pikachu repeatedly, you can just set down the controller and go have some pizza while you watch the rest of us have fun."[/b] Dylan explained as the loading screen came up on the screen and the words "Press Start" came up on the screen. With a final, confident smile, Dylan smiled and exclaimed [b]"With that all put behind us, LETS GET READY TO BRAWL!!"[/b] before he pressed the + button on the Wii-Mote. As the game let out the signature start up sound, the lights suddenly went out. [b]"Damn it! The power's out again.. Fucking shoddy electricity.."[/b] Dylan muttered before he pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight. [b]"Sorry about this guys, I had no idea that was gonna happen... Anybody bring a portable game system we can all try out?"[/b]