[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KjQh0O1.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Kalpian News-1920-November[/h1] [b]Navy Contract with the Empire of Veria and the Naval Strenght Act[/b] [img]http://i2.wp.com/www.navalhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/bases-p292.jpg?resize=350%2C262[/img] The Kalpian Republican Navy has succesfully made a contract with the Neeland Union to build one battlecruiser for the navy , however the parlament has decided to give more funding to the navy and has stablished a new naval program for the nation called "Naval Strenght Act" (NSA) with the funding of 1,500,000,000 Mariats for the next years to be used to buy and build new ships for the navy , the objective of this new naval program is to increase the naval capabilities of the nation overseas , specially to the new acquired Serranthian Colonies that have made clear that the nation will need to further expand its navy to protect the citizens of Kalpia there from any danger. Because of this the Navy has been put in contact with the Empire of Veria which is a known naval power , to make a contract to build one of the Karlburg-class battlecruiser for the KRN , the navy have decided to give an offer of 270,000,000 Mariats (27 Million Consumer goods) for the use of 12 of their dockyards to build this battlecruiser. The most party that gave most of the support was the Kalpian Unity Party that saw this as a compensation for the signing of the treaty of Sikea that limited the nation naval capabilities for major vessels , however it is of public knowledge that the act passed only with 54% because of most of the opposition saw this as a problem and said that there are better uses for the money that will be invested in the naval act . [b]Operation Old Wolf[/b] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/Militaryexercise-estonia-1938-oesch-reek.png/300px-Militaryexercise-estonia-1938-oesch-reek.png[/img] The Kalpian Republic Army organized a military exercise in the province of Mistburn , several assets of the army were present and new equipment was presented like the Harrot-4 and the CMB-20 both tested in the military exercise , the army prepared a exercise where the new armored car the Athiht K.18 II tried to arrive to a enemy trench with the support of the infantery , the infantery used the K.18 II to cover themselfs while the K.18 II shoot to the targets in the trench , the exercise was succesfull and the combined forces took the trench with no problems , however the armored cars had to slow down in order to cover the infantery , some wonder what could have happen if the armored cars were left alone to take the trench , this has raised several ideas for the use of the armor in combat. In conclusion the military exercise didn't innovate but rather only showed what most armies in the world already know to do , some people in the army have asked to put more effort into the military doctrine of the army in order to stay at par with the rest of the countries in terms of military might. [/center]