[b]Beryl Harken-B-The End of a Man[/b] The man deserved to die after all he had done. Countless crimes had been committed by him and his organization. He had even admitted that there were other Faunus being held in the building they were targeting. But Napoli had told her to not kill the piece of filth and she had no desire to bring the focus of the police down on her team more than it was already going to be. Still she waited. She waited untill just before the wound became truly life threatening before stopping the flow of blood with her semblance. Demetrius would be too weak to do anything even if he regained his mental faculties in the near future. And while Beryl was not a proper doctor she doubted that such extensive loss of blood would be good for a physicaly active life in the future, especially at such an advanced age. After a quick stop by the mafia don to add a tourniquet, rope and remove his knife, the otter Faunus made her way over to her downed teammate. "You OK?" She asked, crouching over Vega.