[img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Poppy%20Blackburn&name=Dead%20Island.ttf&size=85&style_color=BD0A0A[/img][hr] The tall guy in the platinum blonde hair, so fair she initially thought was white finally responded to her offer in helping to salvage any potential supplies from the ship. He grinned at her while asking for her name. The girl thought that his gaze lingered on her a little longer than usual before she shook it off. It [i]could[/i] be nothing. She gave him a similar grin back in return and introduced herself. [color=red]"I'm Poppy. Poppy Blackburn."[/color] Seeing the outstretched hand, she reached out and clasped hers onto his, returning his handshake. And that was all the introduction was, before the flurry of activity that was the vicinity of the crash site interrupted them once more. Then shit went down as a girl walked out with guns in hand. If they were just normal young adults, Poppy could simply rub it off as a mere show of power, but they weren't just your ordinary citizens. All of them here were criminals, wherther they liked it or not. She had no doubts that the guns were loaded and that their aggressor knew how to use them. The armed girl that went on about a long tirade of power, weakness and ruling by example. The girl with the first aid pack that was being harassed surprised her when she spoke up in fervor. Poppy was expected her to be display signs of weakness, but instead the girl spoke up for herself. Commendable indeed. The drama didn't end there. The dark-haired girl that was revealed to be an Inquisitor's daughter earlier on threw in a challenge of her own to one with the guns. She retrieved a knife somehow from below her pants and offered it to their gun-toting agressor. Poppy thought,[i] why would you hand her more weapons? She already has guns. The odds are not in our favour should anything happen.[/i] But, she would not speak these thoughts aloud, for the reason would soon be known, and she'll rather not be a fool if the meaning was something else altogether. That wasn't all. Of course Charlie and Tobi wasn't just going to stand back and get insulted. The fair-haired boy launched a series of verbal assaults of his own similar to the scale of the numerous attacks on the beaches of Normandy in days long past. Poppy swivelled her head from side-to-side as she watched out from the reactions of those present after the verbal onslaught by the one known as Tobi Valade.