See now we're getting somewhere, all that condescending bullcrap was doing us absolutely nothing in terms of progress. So now I have a possible list of spells. However, I still want to know which ones Corban is capable of. See, the versatility of the evocation realm isn't something to scoff at. Depending on how skilled he is, Corban could shoot laser beams out of his eyes, he could summon a meteor from the sky, he could even create a hyper sonic nuke. But I'd say all of these things are mastery level elemental magics. So... I'd want to understand the strongest spells he could muster in evocation, then I can easily determine for myself the lesser spells, and what I'm truly dealing with here. Even wizards specializing in evocation don't know many low level spells, or haven't practiced certain sub-genres. I assumed it respectful that; if your character can summon large fireballs, that should be made aware of with specifics. But I get it, if you listed all of his individual abilities, that'd be way too much to read, right? Well that'd better describe what he can do, and people would choose characters closer to his level to play with. Myron just happened to be a character I can fit in to both mid-tier and high-tier combat... and right now, I believe we are fighting in the low area of high-tier; both of us. If anything, I'm not even as troubled by your post, just annoyed at the struggle to extract information. The amount of spells, and the sheer power of them still strike me as odd, however I've always been the type to simply up the anti when in a situation like that. "Oh if he can cast spells that quickly, I should be able to, as well, right?!" That sort of silent mutual agreement. Considering Corban can only quick-cast spells he's already used recently.