[quote=@Kouki] [@greywolf375]Two things, 1) Don't make up Agents and don't make up facilities without my approval. As this game is based pretty hard on exploring and making choices in a [b]preexisting[/b] set-up [b]instead of[/b] world building, It's important to run things by me first. It's not always a big deal but safe rather than sorry. 2)You gotta work on your sentence structure dude. Like, your dialogue and the part where it was an actual in-game conversation was excellent but those walls of texts.... I like the character in-general though, she sounds good from what I'm reading. PS:If you forget the mention, just go to edit and put it in. [/quote] Alright, I'll get on that. probably won't get done tonight, cause i've got a couple projects to finish up, though... EDIT: Also, sorry about that, and if you have suggestions/editing stuff to suggest, I would like to hear it.