[@BytheSpleen][@Draconequis][@Ninian] [h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon[/color][/h2] [b][Route 701][/b] Cyan looked upon the over dramatic Dratini, and attempted to wave off the child's disappointment. [color=cyan][/color] When Spud asked the Marill about whether she recognized the red headed new comer she shook her head at the large Quagsire. [color=cyan][/color] Devon nodded at the confirmation of a name from the intense girl. [color=darkturquoise]"Liza huh? Nice name."[/color] Looking down near his feet, he pointed out the members of his team for Liza with a smile. [color=darkturquoise]"That's my Ampharos, Shock, my Marill, Cyan, my Monferno, Quill, and my Mismagius, Missy, is in her ball right now."[/color] The three Pokémon that were present near the friendly teen waved as their names were called. This quiet new teen seemed to share a sort of common interest with Devon, one that he used to try to break the ice a bit more. The brown haired boy pointed to his chest, his other hand gripping one of the shoulder straps of his white backpack. [color=darkturquoise]"I'm in the same boat. My Dad wants me to get a job someday, but I'm gonna try to hold off on that for a bit.[/color] With a grin, he finished. [color=darkturquoise]"Being a Trainer is way more fun then manual labor. I'd take a Battle over pounding nails anyday."[/color] Noticing that the two girls were mostly focused on the groups many different Pokémon, Devon tapped his foot slowly as they each gawked at both Nana and Aenir. He bit his lip and waited another few moments before finally speaking up. [color=darkturquoise]"Uh...Not trying to be rude or anal or anything but, shouldn't we get going? Vertigo isn't supposed to be that far away, we can talk while were moving right?"[/color]