[h1][center]Discworld[/center][/h1] [h2][center]The Secret King[/center][/h2] [i][center]They say the world is flat. They say that if you sail too far off into the sea, barring running smack into another continent, you'll fall right off the edge. They say you can only trust your eyes, and your eyes say that the world looks flat, and so must be. They are correct. The world is mostly flat, except for some valleys and mountains. It is circular, like a giant disc. This Disc is supported on the backs of four massive elephants. These beasts in turn stand on the shell of a gargantuan turtle, the great A'Tuin. But what does the turtle stand on? Nothing. If you knew anything about turtles, you'd know they don't stand as a tortoise does. It swims. And this great turtle does swim, through the vastness of space. To where, and for what purpose, nobody on the Disc knows. But A'Tuin keeps us safe and provides us with adventure as we follow her to what may very well be the end of the universe. On the disc, there are several continents and many city-states. The largest and stinkiest of these is Ankh-Morpork, a cesspool of technology and advancement. For the past several hundred years, Ankh-Morpork has been ruled by a Patrician, an elected-for-life official who runs the city. The kingship of the city was cut to an abrupt end by Old Stonefaced Vimes of the City Watch, and since then the city has been in the iron grip of the dictators who do more for the populace than the monarchy ever did. The current Patrician of the city is Havelock Vetinari, a tyrant who rules the city in his iron fist. A strong believer in 'one man, one vote', he also believes himself to be that one man with the vote. Under his rule, the city has seen a drop in (unlicensed) crime, the resurgence of the once-defunct City Watch, a revival of the postal system, bank and mint, fast communication between cities, and most recently a working rail system. He also has overseen the growth of minority acceptance in the city, starting with Dwarves and Trolls and moving on into Golems and most recently Goblins, long regarded as bogeymen from children's stories. However, there have been rumors in the city. Rumors of a valid heir to the ancient throne. One who loves the people and will make the city a happy place to live for them instead of just a functional one. Recently a group of brave adventurers returned from a secret mission with the missing piece to the puzzle: The lost crown of the line of kings. With that, words has begun to spread, of rebellion and change. If the king is found, and can be convinced to take the throne, the city could flourish and thrive. On the other hand, if everything is left as it is, the city has a major advancement over other city-states. A well regulated army, sated populace, control over the rails, and a thriving economy. The city is calling for people to rise up. The question is... For what side?[/center][/i] Alright folks, let's jump in! For those of you who don't know, Discworld is a fantasy-satire series, designed to bring light to dumb tropes or parody real life issues. However, that isn't quite the point of this RP, this is to explore the world that has been set in front of us. In this case, that is the city of Ankh-Morpork. The city is racing towards a schism, and you'll have to decide what side you end up on, and who to support. [hider=RULES] RULES: 1: Elves and most Fey races are not playable. They are considered evil and malicious and have been sealed inside a pocket dimension. 2: Respect the GM's decision 3: You may not play as established characters. They can be available as NPC's, but will be played by staff. 4: This is an inherently silly setting. If you've read this far in, put the phrase "Knocking on Death's door" in your CS. A civil war may be serious, but try to keep things mostly lighthearted. 5: If you believe I'm not staying true to the setting of Discworld, please call me out on it! The last thing I want to do is be untrue to this wonderful series. [/hider] [hider=Playable Races] Humans: Not much to say here. Very versatile, can do pretty much anything. Most Wizards are human. Dwarves: Short and strong, most Dwarves are either miners or blacksmiths. Males and females both have beards and similar body types, though recently many Dwarven females have taken to wearing armored leather skirts, makeup, jewelry, and braiding their beards. They are ruled over by the Low Queen, who has final say on all Dwarven affairs. Trolls: Creatures made of living stone, Trolls are different from many over living races. Their brains are silicon based, and function faster in cool temperatures. Because of this, many Trolls found in lower, warmer climates, including Ankh-Morpork appear slow and stupid. They are incredibly strong. They are ruled over the the Diamond King, a Troll made of perfect diamond who can alter his own body temperature, thus avoiding the problem other trolls have of appearing stupid. Goblins: And incredibly intelligent and traditional race, Goblins were shunned and feared until recently. Brought into the light of society, it has been shown that they are capable of creating great beauty and understand very complex concepts. They have found a place as operators of the clacks towers and engineers and mechanics on the railway. Golems: An artificial race, Golems are unique. Originally created as a source of cheap labor, they are animated by a magic tablet in their head that outlines their objectives. Due to a run-in with an incredibly compassionate policeman, one Golem was purchased and given his own receipt of sale. When placed in his head alongside the tablet, this Golem gained free will and set about buying other golems and giving them their freedom. Most Golems in the city are now free, and working for their own goals. Undead: A widespread term for a large variety of peoples, the Undead encompass everything from Zombies to Werewolves to Vampires. These people are often very hard to keep dead, and may have additional powers. Zombies feel little pain, though the longer they've been dead the more likely they are to fall apart. Were-creatures are very tough, and transform into whatever creature bit them on a full moon. Vampires have many weaknesses, but few kill them permanently. Recently a group called the Black Ribboners have given up sucking blood, their members replacing that with a different obsessive addiction, anything from sunlight to coffee. There are other minor races in the world, if the one you see isn't on the list just try it out and see if it gets approved! [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Gender: Race: Job: Personality: Bio: [/hider]