Magnus scowls at the text message on the old phone. So he was dead or wanting a wish, the hard part was he doesn't remember a thing. Which troubled him almost as much as running into a lamppost. He falls back from the shock of stopping suddenly, as he does he drops the phone to the ground. He sighs and dusts himself off as he stand, he picks up the phone and quickly reads the second message. A scowl spreads across his face again, a mission? That was something he was not prepared for, however there isn't much he could do about it. He begins to walk again, hoping he wasn't alone in this city. As he begins to walk again, he rests his sword against his shoulder. Sadly it did not come with a sheath. A third glance was needed for him to completely read the text, teammates. So he wasn't alone, of course the young girls scream helped confirm his thoughts. He shoulders his bag and starts to make his way towards the scream.