[center][color=crimson][h1]Boku no Hero Academia[/h1][/color] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/bokunoheroacademia/images/2/24/Manga_Slider.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/670?cb=20150526211234[/img][/center] Imagine a world where superpowers were the norm. A world where everyo- or almost everyone is born super. These superpowers are known as Quirks and 80% of the world's population possesses a Quirk. Most of these Quirks tend to be mundane but there are those born with great power. And among those who wield great power, there are some who tend to abuse it. Yuuei is the #1 ranked High School in Japan for heroics and is considered as the top Hero Academy in the world. Here, students are trained to become professional superheroes; people that maintain the peace by battling against those who use their Quirks for heinous crimes. Students are separated into specific Departments and Classes - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K. You have recently enrolled and been selected as the cream of the crop, in short, you're Class A material. What sort of adventures await you? [hr][color=crimson][h3]Quirks[/h3][/color] Quirks, despite whatever impression they give, are all physical functions of the body. For example, your sweat could contain nitroglycerin, allowing you to create explosions freely at will. There are three general classes of Quirks; Transformers, Mutants and Activators. Transformers are people whose Quirk's transforms either a certain part or the entirety of their body. Stuff like turning into steal or becoming super sized. Mutants may seem like transformers but their physical form is permanent as are their powers. They do not have the ability to turn them off. People categorized under Mutants tend to have multiple abilities. Every other Quirk falls under Activators. Pyrokinesis, telekinesis or super strength, all of which consciously activated otherwise they have regular human bodies. It's the most broad classification and there are huge varieties of powers, such as controlling gravity or creating a blackhole. It is possible to possess multiple Quirks but these are extremely rare occurrences. It is however, common for a single Quirk to do multiple things. For example, the ability to manipulate temperature could mean you control both fire and ice. If you're wondering how strong your Quirk should be, take whatever you currently have in mind and scale it down several notches. If you can level a building, then you would definitely be considered strong. No immortality, no reality warping and etc. [hr] [color=crimson][h3]CS[/h3][/color][hider=C.S.][b]Appearance:[/b] Picture (anime only) and/or description. [b]Height:[/b] In centimeters. [b]Weight:[/b] In kilograms. [b]Name:[/b] First and last. [b]Age:[/b] You should be 16 since it's the first year of high school. Exceptions will be accepted but explain in your bio. [b]Personality:[/b] You can use personality traits and/or give a description. [b]Short Bio:[/b] What to to put here is up to you but keep it brief. [b]Quirk:[/b] Describe your Quirk class, what it does, it's maximum output (e.g. super grip strength up to 500kg) as well as any side effects and things of note. Our powers are still developing, so keep that in mind when deciding their power levels. [b]Other:[/b] Whatever doesn't fit above goes here.[/hider] [hr] [color=crimson][h3]Rules[/h3][/color][list] [*]Acceptable grammar. [*]Quality over quantity. [*]Respect other players (but don't be afraid to kill them). [*]No godmodding/powerplaying. [*]No metagaming. [*]No speedposting. Especially when you're in a group. Don't leave people out. [*]Please don't just vanish. If you want to go on hiatus, I will allow it so you can return at a later time. [*]Post character in OOC and await approval before creating it in the character bucket. [*]Be considerate and realistic in battle posts. E.g. no autohits, no asspulls and no ignoring relevant battle posts. [/list]