[@Eklispe][@Damiann47] [color=#A9A9F5] Rayo had his arms crossed and nodded his head to the landlord. Everything was happening pretty fast. He took a glance at the cat hybrid and his dragon-comrade covered in bandages on the couch. The luchador was fighting alongside two peculiar beings against a phantom and it still took him some time to process a corpulent jaguar. Rayo wasn't certain of what the ghost had been moaning about. It was a gruesome sight when he had picked up the couch; seeing Orion biting down on the neck of ghost was horrifying. Rayo is a professional wrestler and he never suspected he would be seeing that much blood. Listening to the landlord, he hoped he would find what the ghost's history was before it had past. He was unfamiliar with the one of the terminology. The masked hero leaned to the cat individual and whispered, "Do you have any idea what an Anathema is?" Taking a glance at the new sword in the cat's hand, he wondered if it would serve for another purpose in the future. [/color]