[h3]South Bay Hangar-[i]Sweet Anne[/i][/h3][hr] [i]The alarms continued to blare as the team boarded the ship. C'lok, Glitch, Duaka, Izzy, & Captain Erek bolted through airlocks and clamped them shut tight. The interior of the ship was in as bad a shape as the outside. Shreds of electrical wiring sprouted from command panels. The iron grated walkways were rusting, and in some places collapsed. Erek waved the crew up to the bridge through a narrow stairway, shaking his head at the out-of-commission turbo-lift that would have otherwise led the men there.[/i] [center][color=mediumpurple][h3]Captain Erek[/h3][/color][/center] The bridge was not nearly as bad off as the rest of the ship, but it still had a bulky retro feel to the hardware. Command consoles dotted the bridge, each with an accompanying small leather seats built for practicality rather than comfort. Everything was dark grey or black. Small yellow recessed lights in the low ceiling cast everything in harsh light. The harsh light, with the blocky, angular design of the hardware gave the bridge a labyrinthine feel. This was no sleek starship. It was old, that was for sure. But these things did not concern Captain Erek as he slammed the Captains' console to life, jerking three throttle controls forward as far as they would go, and hammering most of the buttons on the console. [color=mediumpurple]"Anyone know weapons systems that are about 60 years old get on that forward console. They're not gonna open the hangar bay doors so let's make a door!!"[/color], yelled Captain Erek pointing forward. He flicked one more switch and the viewscreen came to life. He flicked a few more and low, rumbling began in the bowels of the ship.[color=mediumpurple]"Engines coming online any second! How are those weapons? Someone monitor the engines!"[/color]