[quote=@agentmanatee] [@icmasticc]Hey do you think we should open up the group since we DID lose someone early on? i.e. wispered? [/quote] [quote=@Luminosity] I think there's a good chance we lost a few people, but even if we lost all the people who haven't posted IC in three weeks, there's 4 of them, we'd still have 7 active characters. I dunno, getting new people to join mid-RP when we're not dying for more characters seems like more trouble than it's worth. My two cents is all. [/quote] I did notice the people we lost and, unfortunately, that comes with the territory. As Luminosity so kindly pointed out however, we still have a pretty decent amount of active characters and I agree that we're not really hurting for new ones at the moment. It always sucks to lose people, but our situation isn't as bad as it could be considering we started out with a fairly large group. It may even flow a bit better with a couple less characters so it may not be all bad. I haven't officially kicked anyone though so if some of those people decide to return, they'll be welcome if they catch up on the IC.