[center][h1]Mercenaries[/h1][/center][hr] [center][i]Sellswords, Bandits & Brigands in a world of fantasy and political intrigue.[/i][/center] [center][i]Inspired by Game of Thrones, FFtactics, D&D and [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/91492-a-hostile-galaxy-science-fiction-civilization-political-simulator/ooc]this. (Sort of).[/url][/i][/center] [center][IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/15zpiqp.jpg[/IMG][/center][hr] [h3][center]Table of Contents[/center][/h3][hr] [list] [*][h3]Introduction[/h3][list] [*]What is Mercenaries? [*]What can I do in the game? [*]How do turns work? [*]Questions? [/list][/list][list] [*][h3]World information[/h3][list] [*]Core Assumptions [*]Map [*]Cities & Territories [*]Races [*]Gods [*]Kingdoms [/list][/list] [list] [*][h3]Companies[/h3][list] [*]Company Office [*]Morale [*]Reputation [*]Storage [*]Co. Ledger & Upkeep [*] [/list][/list][list] [*][h3]Mercenaries[/h3][list] [*]Commanders [*]Commander Archetypes [/list][/list][list] [*][h3]Recruiting[/h3][list] [*]Hiring [*]Generic Recruits [*]Hiring Advanced Level Recruits [*]Class Advancement Table [*]Feats [*]Specialty Units [/list][/list][list] [*][h3]Combat[/h3][list] [*]Sending Orders [/list][/list][list] [*][h3]Items & Equipment[/h3][list] [*]Arms & Armor Explained [*]Potions [*]Medicine [*]Ships [/list][/list] [center][h1]Introduction[/h1][/center][hr] [hider=What is this?] Mercenaries is a turnbased RPG where you control a company of hired mercenaries seeking to gain gold, power & glory. Not even specifically in that order. Essentially you manage the group, hiring, accepting contracts, leveling your characters and exploring the world. You have a real opportunity to shape the politics of the realm and could become very powerful indeed. [/hider] [hider=Who can I play as?] You don't play as one single character & you should consider every character disposable. Instead you handle a group of mercenaries that work together to gain gold & glory. A [b]Commander[/b] leads the troops. You can level and specialize your Commander with more options than your average recruit. Maybe your a [i]Praedish[/i] pirate, sick of the harsh life at sea, you've come to the Capital to become a legitimate business. Maybe you and your men (and women!) are veterans of the [i]Typhere Rebellion[/i] and wish to make more lucrative use of your skills. Maybe you are a disgraced knight from the [i]Kingdom of Karnorax[/i], bitter and full of vengeance. Whatever concept you wish to build your company of mercenaries from is OK with me. At the core of the game is strategy and management-but I really encourage RPing between turns. It makes the world more vibrant and me more likely to not set myself on fire updating turns.[/hider] [hider=Turns] You basically tell me what you want to do each turn. You choose jobs, level and equip your men and send orders for the turn. After I've received all of the orders, I synthesize all of the information with what is going on in the world, check some numbers and post a [b]Turn Report[/b]. In between Reports, your free to Roleplay in the Main IC thread. But beware, characters [u]can be killed at anytime[/u]. So don't get too attached to any one character. [/hider] [hider=Questions?] They're not frequent, but here are some questions you might have. [i]How much time do I need to spend on this?[/i] As a player, you probably need 2-3 hours per week to keep up with RP posts & company ledger. [i]How many players are you taking?[/i] I would like to sign on 4 players to start and add another 2-4 once everyone is comfortable with the way the game works (including me). [i]How often will updates appear and how long in game time is that?[/i] I don't want to have to update 8 different ledgers each week. That's why I'm not sure yet if updates will be weekly or every other week. Each update will advance the realm about 3 months. [i]Do I have to roleplay/Can I roleplay?[/i] You decide how much time you want to spend on your company. Feel free to introduce characters and concepts. Nothing outside of what is detailed here, in the main thread is canon. Alternately, you can use this game as a strictly military/strategy simulation. But RPing is good. :) [i]Great. When does this start?[/i] When we have enough players and I've finished the main information dump thread. Stay tuned. [i]I have other questions..[/i] Please ask in the [b]Interest Check Thread.[/b] [/hider][hr] [center][h1]World Information[/h1][/center] [i]The world of Mundus is divided into a few distinct geographical locations. The continent to the West is home to the older Human Kingdoms. Dark forests and steep mountains dotted with stony keeps and ruins. A few elvish and dwarven colonies exist and orcish raiders plunder the southern crossings. The continent to the East is more diverse. The great plains in the far east are home to raiding parties of tribal horseman. They fight endlessly with hordes of orcs and ogres. The wealthy and modern kingdoms on the coast are home to Elvish Citadels, and 'Free' human cities. Trade is good despite the lurking pirates of the island countries to the south, the much reviled [i]Praedish[/i]. Opportunity abounds for men and women with a keen sense of business and the talent and bravery required.[/i] [hider=Core Assumptions] [list] [*][u][b]Conflict Arises[/b][/u] [i]Peace, when it comes is welcomed. But the fool expects it to last. The Great Old Wars are long over, but small scale skirmishes between minor lords and factions are common place. Pirates patrol the coasts, disrupting trade. Raiding parties of orcs and nomadic tribes plague the settled kingdoms. Elvish seneschal's manipulate and plot. The common man labors on a suffers, hoping for heroes to appear.[/i] [*][u][b]Opportunity for the Bold[/b][/u] [i]With all the conflict, dangerous trade routes, and political masterminding, opportunity for men-at-arms is abundant. Companies of hired swords and wizards have begun appearing across the land. Some companies are loyal to single royal houses. Others follow the gold. Some stick to small scale conflict on land, others head to sea to protect trade convoys. Still others explore vast stretches of wilderness searching for fabled ruins and artifacts. There is money to be made, power to be gained.[/i] [*][u][b]Magic is Commonplace[/b][/u] [i]Long ago, magic was much, much more powerful and mysterious. Sorcery was a closely guarded secret in that era. The most powerful sorcerers are thought to have killed each other off during the Great Old Wars, and with them, the powerful spells. Now sorcery is common-mundane even, but not to be underestimated in battle. Great Wizards still roam the land and bend the ear of powerful kings. Adepts and apprentices seek out sponsors and companies, hoping to gain skill and power.[/i] [*][u][b]Something Lurks Beneath[/b][/u] [i]The age of the world is far underestimated. Civilizations have risen and fallen. Races of beings have appeared and disappeared leaving their mark on the land. Ruins and dungeons are scattered across the world, waiting for someone brave enough to seek them out and uncover the secrets contained within.[/i] [/list][/hider] [hider=Map W.I.P] [i]Map under construction. Some names will change and I will *attempt* to get a higher res quality. For now, right+click and open pic in a new tab then zoom. I'm stuck with MSpaint so you are too![/i] [center] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/2hxogvo.png[/IMG] [/center][/hider] [hider=Cities & Territories] [i]Cities are categorized into different types: Temple, Free, Fortress, Magic, Trade, Desert, Port & Capital. Territories are categorized into different types: Plains/Deserts, Mountains, Forests & Cosmopolitan. [/i] [h3]City Types[/h3][hr] [u][b]Capital[/b][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xlNFuMgm.jpg[/img][/center] Capitals are the central hub of activity in that Kingdom. It is the seat of power and usually the most populus city in the territory. The Capital Cities can be a combination of the other classes of city. For example, [b]Karn Keep[/b] in the Kingdom of Karnoras is a Capital Class city, but it is also a Port & Fortress. The bonuses from those city classes apply. The cost to open a Company Office is considerably higher in Capital cities, and may require a certain level of Reputation. [u][b]Temple[/b][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KcjxCagm.jpg[/img][/center] Some cities are built around holy sites, altars, temples or cathedrals. Healing & Morale may increase in Temple cities. [u][b]Free[/b][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HoA6q0Zm.jpg[/img][/center] Free cities do not fall under the jurisdiction of any authority outside of the city's governing body-be it warlord, council or other. Free cities enjoy less tax and contracts may be more lucrative. [u][b]Fortress[/b][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QN2j7LHm.jpg[/img][/center] Fortress cities are castles, bastions, towers and keeps. They are strongpoints in a territory. Mercenaries and sellswords flock to Fortress cities to find work-of which there is often ample supply. [u][b]Magic[/b][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4b4fKEem.jpg[/img][/center] A Magic class city may be home to a guild of mages, a vast library of knowledge, a specific arcane legacy, or be constructed over ancient ruins that harbor darker things still. Sorcerers can expect to find more relevant work, advance in level quicker, or possibly find a unique item. [u][b]Trade[/b][/u] The most common city type. Trade cities have bustling markets and guild houses. Mercenaries, caravans and rumors all pass through trade cities. Expect the occasional bandit. [u][b]Port[/b][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/rCmM1u9m.jpg[/img][/center] Port cities are similar to Trade cities. Pass through a port city to reach other continents. [u][b]Desert[/b][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TIf0wUHm.jpg[/img][/center] [h3]Territory Types[/h3][hr] [b][u]Plains/Desert[/u][/b] Plains and Deserts often house bands of monsters, bandits and baddies. Isolated towns and villages, and only a few roads. Humans, Elves, Goblins, Orcs and halflings often inhabit Plains/Desert territories. [u][b]Mountain[/b][/u] WIP [b][u]Forest[/u][/b] WIP [b][u]Cosmopolitan[/u][/b] WIP [/hider] [hider=Races] [b]Human, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Half-Orc, Half-Elf, Orc, Goblin[/b] The Race of your mercenaries determines additional racial bonus attributes. [u][b]Race [/b][/u] [u][b]Bonus [/b][/u] [color=lightblue][u][b]CON[/b][/u][/color] [color=lightgreen][u][b]DEX[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]WIS[/b][/u][/color] [color=mediumpurple][u][b]HP[/b][/u][/color] [u][b]Notes[/b][/u] [b]Human [/b] [color=lightblue]x[/color] [color=lightgreen]x[/color] [color=red]x[/color] [color=mediumpurple]+1[/color] [i]Gain a +1 bonus to HP when in Cosmopolitan terrain[/i] [b]Dwarf [/b] [color=lightblue]+1[/color] [color=lightgreen]x[/color] [color=red]x[/color] [color=mediumpurple]x[/color] [i]+1 CON when underground or in mountain terrain[/i] [b]Elf [/b] [color=lightblue]-1[/color] [color=lightgreen]x[/color] [color=red]+1[/color] [color=mediumpurple]x[/color] [i]+1 CON when in forest terrain[/i] [b]Halfling[/b] [color=lightblue]-1[/color] [color=lightgreen]+2[/color] [color=red]x[/color] [color=mediumpurple]x[/color] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [b]Half-Orc [/b] [color=lightblue]+1[/color] [color=lightgreen]-1[/color] [color=red]-1[/color] [color=mediumpurple]+1[/color] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [b]Half-Elf[/b] [color=lightblue]x[/color] [color=lightgreen]+1[/color] [color=red]x[/color] [color=mediumpurple]+1[/color] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [b]Orc[/b] [color=lightblue]+2[/color] [color=lightgreen]x[/color] [color=red]-1[/color] [color=mediumpurple]+1[/color] [i]Orcs are killed on sight in most kingdoms[/i]. [b]Goblin [/b] [color=lightblue]-1[/color] [color=lightgreen]+1[/color] [color=red]+1[/color] [color=mediumpurple]x[/color] [i]Goblins are killed on sight in most kingdoms[/i]. [/hider] [hider=Gods] [/hider] [hider=Kingdoms] [h3]The Kingdom of Raxas[/h3][hr] [i]The Kingdom of Raxas rises from the coast into the mountains. Fortress cities and walls guard the ancient kingdom of man. Great pine forests supply lumber for fleets of merchant ships bound for the Western Continent.[/i] Arcot Dunson Keep Hargrove Gor's Crossing Eaton Seton Raxas Castle [h3]The Kingdom of Karnoras[/h3][hr] [i]The Kingdom of Karnoras arose from the ashes of a bloody Raxas civil war. A feud which lasts to this day. It is said the great Sorcerer Gor divided the land with his most potent spells, so that the two nations would remain separate.[/i] Karn Keep Camor Ledon Fawic Mebrok Wamor Hafeld Sebury Rewich Limor Thergrove Pawald [h3]The Republic of Praeda[/h3][hr] [i]The Pirate Kingdoms of Praeda are legendary. It is a rare sailor that does not know the black sails of their hated pirate fleet.[/i] Oloh Adeh Chigba Castle Asange Keep Okain Keep Busia Irun Anin Etma Akith Owux Emoh Chasra Itey Bodi Kohiri Thila [h3]The Kingdom of Bapha[/h3][hr] [i]The Kingdom of Bapha [/i] Aresh Sina Abyre Emish Larsa Sonos Sibis [h3]The Kingdom of Lothelonni[/h3][hr] [i]The Elvish Kingdom of Lothelonni is powerful, modern and wealthy. Trade, industry and knowledge combined with the formidable politics of Elvish seneschals has helped Lothelonni prosper through the ages. Noble houses quarrel openly, often leading to bloodshed. Gold is to be made for those who are willing to compromise their principles.[/i] Tyne Orwendel Ellem Ilthya Langan Gaven Argond Abery Brethna Valoress Colwen Porthca Argond Olithen Castle Aben Lear Linosea [h3]The Dominion of Malaph Kar[/h3][hr] [i]The Dominion of Malaph Kar is a vast wilderness of plains, deserts, oasis and sandstone passes. Cities shine in the desert like jewels. Oasis' are heavily defended against aggressors. The monstrous warlord known as Malaph Kar rules over a loose confederacy of nomadic orcs, goblins and wild men. [/i] Balag Mauhar Wala Argac Etalar Gesanga Muzga Salla Gorbul Lifah [h3] The Kingdom of Naramunz[/h3][hr] [i]House Naramunz, last of the great Dwarven lords is also the last of the Dwarven Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Naramunz is the last bastion of civilization before the Dominion of Malaph Kar. Naramunz is allied with the Kingdom of Lothelonni.[/i] Vatelundz Tumunzar Riklif Hold Arndsetr Urumar Zahuram [h3]The Free Cities of Maleah[/h3][hr] [i]A handful of merchants, some Praedish pirates and other wealthy businessmen with strange notions of a 'democratic' form of government have built a small kingdom in the south east. They are fledgling, but becoming wealthy through trade, and remaining neutral in larger conflicts.[/i] Larica Argac Ramor Matoc Aeldun [/hider] [center][h1]Companies[/h1][/center][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dZEY01p.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Companies are the groups of mercenaries that you, as a player control. A company has an [b]Office[/b], where the men rest, strategize and keep their equipment and gold. [b]Reputation[/b] is how well known your company is and determines which jobs/missions are available to your company. [b]Morale[/b] is how loyal your men are and how well they fight.[/i] [hider=Company Office] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/PThp0qmm.jpg[/img][/center] Your Office is your base of operations in a city. Here your men can rest, heal and plan. You also keep all of your gold and items in your Company Office. The base price for opening an office in a new city is 250g, but you start with a free one in the city of your choice at the beginning of the game. Upkeep for 1 office is 25g per turn. [u]You may not take contracts/jobs in cities where you do not have an office.[/u] [/hider] [hider=Morale] [b]Morale[/b] affects how well your men fight in battle. When you lose a member of your company in combat, your morale decreases by 1. If you lose a company Commander your morale drops by 4. [u]When your morale is lower than 0 for two subsequent turns, your men will begin to desert[/u]. All companies start with a morale of 2 unless your Commander has the [color=lightblue]Enabler[/color] (Morale +10% per contract, start at Morale 5) trait. Morale maxes out at 10. [/hider] [hider=Reputation] [b]Reputation[/b] measures how well your company is known, whether for good or bad. Some jobs require you to have a certain level of reputation. Some mercenaries and NPCs may not be for hire without sufficient reputation as well. Increase your reputation by successfully completing contracts. You start with +10 relations to your home city. (The city you choose to place your Company Office at the start of the game). [/hider] [hider=Storage] Your [b]Company Storage[/b] is where you stockpile your items, arms and equipment. You may sell items from your storage at any time. [/hider] [hider=Relations] Relations are how a faction, nation, city or group feels about your company. Completing contracts, or killing enemies of certain groups may improve relations. Likewise, completing contracts that target specific factions, nations etc. will decrease your relations. Positive relations might yield more opportunities, more gold or special [b]Boons[/b] that affect your company for a time. Negative relations may reduce available contracts etc. [/hider] [hider=Co. Ledger & Upkeep] Your [b]Co. Ledger[/b] is a record of your men, equipment, gold, morale, reputation and relations with factions and nations. [hider=Ledger Template] [u]Player Name:[/u] Your forum name in mention tags [u]Company Name:[/u] Make something up [u]Location:[/u] (Where main office is) [u]Commander & Traits: [/u]Pick a name, level 1 class (Militia, Scout, Novice) and 1 trait. [u]Morale:[/u] starts at 2 unless otherwise affected [u]Reputation:[/u] 0 for all unless otherwise affected [u]Gold:[/u] 400g to start. This is for hiring & equipping your men beyond the starting roster of 3. [u]Relations:[/u] (You start with +10 to your home city, add that here) [u]Company Upkeep:[/u] Total. Include upkeep of all mercenaries under your command (including commander), company office and ships. [u]Mercenaries:[/u] Name: Class: Feats: Equipment: XP: HP/CON/DEX/WIS (include modifiers from feats, equipment etc.) --- Name: Class: Feats: Equipment: XP: HP/CON/DEX/WIS (include modifiers from feats, equipment etc.) [/hider] [/hider] [center][h1]Mercenaries[/h1][/center][hr] [i] Your company consists of mercenaries, who are the main fighting force. You also have non-combatant specialists that act as support members.[/i] [hider=Commanders] Your Commander leads your troops in battle and affects the company recruits through Archetype traits. If a commander is killed your company Morale is immediately reduced by 2. A Commander advances just like any other generic recruit, taking feats and choosing a class track (Warrior,Ranger,Sorcerer). In addition, Commanders take on an Archetype trait. You may choose new Archetypes if you need to replace your Commander. You may promote a new Commander from your company recruits if your starting Commander dies.[/hider] [hider=Commander Archetypes] [u]Archetypes: [/u](pick one when creating your company commander, pick a new one each time your commander is killed or replaced.) [b]Roaming:[/b] +1 DEX to all Ranger Track recruits (Including hunter, scout, skirmisher) Company starts with 1 bonus hunter recruit. [b]Sellsword:[/b] +1 CON to all Warrior Recruits. (Including militia, footman, soldier) Company starts with 1 bonus militia recruit. [b]Mysticism:[/b] +1 WIS to all Sorcerer Track recruits. (Including novice, adept, initiate) Company starts with 1 bonus novice recruit. [b]Salty Dog:[/b] +1 CON/DEX/WIS to all mercenaries when taking contracts at sea (Port Cities/territories). Company starts with 1 Boat. [b]Nomad:[/b] +1 CON/DEX/WIS to all mercenaries when taking contracts in plains/desert territory. Self-reliance has taught you how to live simply. Office upkeep each reduced by 5g. [b]Silver Tongue:[/b] Contracts yield 10% better profits. Start with an extra 50g. [b]Enabler[/b]: Morale +10% Morale per succesful contract/mission. Company Morale starts at 5. [/hider] [center][h1]Recruiting[/h1][/center] [hider=Hiring] You may hire any available recruits in your home city each turn as long as you can afford them and your reputation is high enough. Generic recruits have no reputation requirements. A list of available recruits can be found on each city roster. New hires come with randomized starting feats, XP and class, but you can view their stats before you purchase them. To hire them, simply send the turn orders with the names of the recruits you wish to hire. If more than one player chooses the same recruit, the company with the higher reputation will hire the recruit. In case of a tie, I flip a coin. (If you don't get the recruit and still wish to hire that turn, you may pick from any other available recruit on the city roster). [center][u][b]Generic Recruits cost 10g[/b][/u][/center] [/hider] [hider=Generic Recruits] All new recruits start as Generic Recruits. They are not trained in any specific style of fighting yet. At first level, you choose which class track to pursue. They are Warrior, Ranger, and Sorcerer. Here is how the classes advance: Militia----->Footman----->Soldier----->Warrior [i]Your standard fighting unit. They carry sword/spear and shield[/i] Hunter---->Scout--------->Skirmisher>Ranger [i]Your nimble scouts, your formidable archers[/i] Novice---->Adept--------->Initiate------>Sorcerer [i]Masters of the arcane. Slow to develop, but powerful once leveled.[/i] In addition to class, recruits have [b]Attributes[/b] that determine their abilities in combat. Hit Points (HP) determine how much damage a character can take before dying. Constitution (CON) is a measure of the endurance & strength of the recruit. Warrior track recruits have a high CON. Dexterity (DEX) measures the mobility and handling of your recruit. Ranger track recruits have a high DEX. Wisdom (WIS) is a measurement of the recruits knowledge of arcane power. Sorcerers have a high WIS. To advance, gain more experience by sending your recruits on missions/jobs.[/hider] [hider=Hiring Advance Level Recruits]WIP WIP In order to hire recruits that have already gained levels, you must have the prerequisite Reputation. When you hire advanced level recruits, they come with pre-assigned feats. Some cities may not even have Advanced Level Recruits for hire. Class Cost Reputation Militia +++++ 50g / 5 Hunter +++++ 50g / 5 Novice +++++ 50g / 5 --- Foot ++++++ 75g / 10 Scout +++++ 75g / 10 Adept +++++ 75g / 10 --- Soldier ++++ 100g / 25 Skirmisher + 100g / 25 Initiate++++ 100g / 25 --- Warrior+++ 250g / 50 Ranger +++ 250g / 50 Sorcerer +++ 250g / 50 [/hider] [hider=Class Advancement Table] [i]This might look intimidating, but it's really just adding one to every attribute each level + one for the class main attribute (CON for militia, DEX for Hunter etc.)and one for HP/Upkeep per class level.[/i] [u]Level 1 Class (50XP) HP/CON/DEX/WIS/Upkeep[/u] [b]Generic +++++ 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1[/b] [color=lightblue]Militia +++++ 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 2[/color] [color=lightgreen]Hunter ++++++ 2 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2[/color] [color=red]Novice ++++++ 2 /1 / 1 / 2 / 2[/color] [u]Level 2 Class (110XP) HP/CON/DEX/WIS/Upkeep[/u] [color=lightblue]Foot ++++++++ 3 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 3[/color] [color=lightgreen]Scout +++++++ 3 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 3[/color] [color=red]Adept +++++++ 3 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3[/color] [u]Level 3 Class (180XP) HP/CON/DEX/WIS/Upkeep[/u] [color=lightblue]Soldier ++++++ 4 / 4 / 3 / 3 / 4 [/color] [color=lightgreen]Skirmisher +++ 4 / 3 / 4 / 3 / 4[/color] [color=red]Initiate +++++ 4 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 4[/color] Level 4 Class (270XP) HP/CON/DEX/WIS/Upkeep [color=lightblue]Warrior +++++ 5 / 5 / 4 / 4 / 5[/color] [color=lightgreen]Ranger +++++ 5 / 4 / 5 / 4 / 5[/color] [color=red]Sorcerer ++++ 5 / 4 / 4 / 5 / 5[/color] [/hider] [hider=Feats] As your recruits progress you can give them feats at each level. Feats give you an edge in combat and more shape your company to your play style. [u][b]Standard Feats[/b][/u] (Taken by any class) [b]Sea Legs:[/b] +1 to CON/DEX/WIS when on a ship (con for warrior, dex for ranger, wis for sorcerer) Take feat up to 3 times. [b]Dungeon Delver:[/b] +1 to CON/DEX/WIS when fighting underground (con for warrior, dex for ranger, wis for sorcerer) Take feat up to 3 times. [b]Mountaineer:[/b] +1 to CON/DEX/WIS when fighting in Mountain Terrain. (con for warrior, dex for ranger, wis for sorcerer) Take feat up to 3 times. [b]Nomad:[/b] +1 to CON/DEX/WIS when fighting in Desert/Plains Terrain. (con for warrior, dex for ranger, wis for sorcerer) Take feat up to 3 times. [b]Urbanite[/b] +1 to CON/DEX/WIS when fighting in Cosmopolitan City. (con for warrior, dex for ranger, wis for sorcerer) Take feat up to 3 times. [u][b]Warrior Feats:[/b][/u] [b]Brothers in Arms[/b]: When there are more than 2 Warriors in the group, gain +1 CON (take 3 times) [b]Berserker[/b]: +1 damage (take up to 3x) [b]Artful Dodger[/b]: Reduce damage dealt by a Ranger by 1. (take 3x) [b]Body Guard[/b]: If lethal damage would be dealt to another ally in the group, instead take that damage. [u][b]Ranger Feats:[/b][/u] [b]First Shot:[/b] Deal 1 damage automatically to a random enemy before battle. (Take once) [b]Fire Arms:[/b] Train in the use and tactics of Black Powder Firearms. +2 damage. +2 Upkeep. (Take once, must have company office in a dwarven city.) [b]Line of Fire:[/b] When there are more than 2 Rangers in the group, gain +1 DEX. (take max 3 times) [b]Study Arcane:[/b] Reduce damage from Sorcerers by 1. (take up to 3x) [u][b]Sorcerer Feats:[/b][/u] [b]Healing Touch:[/b] Automatically Heal 1HP of a random ally after battle. (take up to 3x) [b]Loner:[/b] +1 to WIS & +1 damage when the only Sorcerer in a combat group. (take once) [b]Mistform:[/b] Reduce damage dealt by Warriors by 1. (take up to 3x) [b]Chain Lightning[/b] +1 damage. (Take up to 3x) [i]Note: If you have a suggestion for a feat just ask! [/i] [/hider] [hider=Specialty Units] WIP WIP WIP [i]Special Units do not advance like regular recruits and can only be obtained as your [b]Reputation[/b] increases. Certain rumours may point to contracts/jobs that can be completed in order to obtain a specialist. Specialists apply to you. You may either accept or reject a specialist. You may have any number of specialist in your employ, including more than one of each kind.[/i] [b]Alchemist[/b] The Alchemist specialist will produce random potions for your company each turn. The number of potions is dependant on the Alchemist level. [b]Assassin[/b] An assassin can attack another players company and reduce the HP of the Commander. [b]Bard [/b] Your Bard can sing praises for your Company in taverns and inns. Bards increase reputation over time. [b]Master of the Coin[/b] Your Master of Coin will reduce the Upkeep of your Company Office. [b]Physician[/b] A physician will heal wounds in between turns. [b]Priest[/b] Having a priest in your employ (regardless of diety) will increase company morale. [b]Thief [/b] A thief may be tasked with stealing gold or even items from another company. [b]Guard[/b] Guards protect your Home Office when your men are asleep or away on missions. They counter Thieves and Assassins. [/hider] [center][h1]Combat[/h1][/center][hr] [i]In combat, each unit attacks and deals damage to each other at the same time. Attributes, stacking bonuses, equipment, morale and boons are all taken into account. Each character hits for 1 damage + extra damage from class stats (CON/DEX/WIS). When a characters Hit Points reach 0, they die. HP can be restored by resting, (having no action or assignment during a turn), priests ( a specialist unit), or medicine.[/i] [hider=Sending Combat Orders] Sending combat orders is simply telling me which contracts you are accepting, and who from your company roster will be attempting to complete the job. Below are the 4 important factors regarding combat. 1. Rounds of combat will continue until one side is wiped out or one side retreats. You may give the order to [b]Retreat[/b] if numerical superiority is lost in your Combat Orders for the turn. 2. Combat happens instantly and all damage is dealt simultaneously. 3. Feats and Equipment/Items will give your men advantage in battle. 4. Warriors deal more damage to Sorcerers. Rangers do more damage to Warriors. Sorcerers deal more damage to Rangers. ([u]CON---->WIS---->DEX----->CON[/u]) [/hider] [center][h1]Items & Equipment[/h1][/center][hr] [i]You may equip your mercenaries with equipment and items like potions to make them more effective in combat. Some items temporarily boost damage stats like CON or DEX, while other items heal HP. Medicines may only be used in between turns. Ships are needed for contracts at sea, or if you wish to avoid passage fees to move to another continent. Each type is detailed below, with buy/sell price & effect.[/i] [hider=Equip] [i]Equipment, for the sake of simplicity is meant to include every piece of armor, weapon etc. that the character would need. No need to pick weapon, shield, helmet, armor, boots etc. just purchase 1 equipment per character.[/i] [u]Equipment effects CON/DEX/WIS either negatively or positively depending on the quality.[/u][i] For instance, Poor Quality equipment reduces my CON/DEX/WIS by -1 (probably want to get some better gear!)[/i] [color=lightblue][u]Quality / Effect / Buy / Sell[/u] Poor / -1 / 1g / n/a Standard / +1 / 10g / 5g Fine / +2 / 20g / 10g Perfect / +3 / 30g / 15g Masterwork +4 / 40g / 20g Legendary +5 / 50g / 25g[/color] [i]Note: Some Legendary Equipment may bestow additional effects. [/i] [/hider] [hider=potions] [i]You may equip potions to characters when you send turn orders. [u]It is assumed that they will use the potion in combat unless the enemy forces are defeated quickly. So assume your potions are gone when you equip them.[/u][/i] [color=lightblue] [u]Name / Buy / Sell / Effect[/u] Health Potion / 15g / 7g / Heal +1Hp after a round of combat Strength Potion / 15g / 7 / +1 CON Arcane Potion / 15g / 7g / +1 WIS Quick Potion / 15g / 7g / +1 DEX [/color] [/hider] [hider=Medicine] [i]Medicine is used in between turns but you still tell me which medicine you used on which mercenary with your turn orders. I.e. "I used 1 Fine medicine on Jon Doe to heal 1 HP, so his HP is back to full. " etc.[/i] [color=lightblue][u]Name / Effect / Buy / Sell[/u] Medicine / +1HP / 10g / 5g Greater Medicine / +2HP / 18g / 9g Elixir / HP max / 40g / 20g [/color] [/hider] [hider=Ships] [i]Ships are used for contracts that take place at sea. [u]The quality of your ship is the single most important factor for contracts of this type. [/u] Ships also require an upkeep cost. This pays for docking, supplies and maintenance.[/i] [color=lightblue] [u]Type / Buy / Sell / Upkeep / Effect [/u] Rowboat 25g / 10g / 1g / Holds 5 mercenaries. -2 CON/DEX/WIS Barge 100g / 50g / 10g / Holds 10 mercenaries +1 CON/DEX/WIS Longboat 250g / 75g / 25g / Holds 15 mercenaries +3 CON/DEX/WIS, may travel between continents Galley 500g / 250g / 50g / Holds up to 25 mercenaries +6 CON/DEX/WIS, may travel between continents, must have office in port city. [/color] [/hider] [h3]Get Started![/h3][hr] [hider=Getting Started] [i]To get started, you have to fill out a Company Sheet. First, pick a company name and choose a starting city from the world map. When you begin, you receive 5 free recruits at 1st level. Choose one of these to be your Company Commander. (Your responsible for naming your men). Pick a Commander Trait and add it to the sheet. Fill in Morale, Reputation and Relations. You have 400 gold to buy equipment and items for your company. You may also hire any number of generic recruits at the beginning of the game. Calculate company upkeep and fill that in. When you've chosen equipment and feats for your 1st level mercenaries, add them to your company sheet in the format below. XP for 1st level characters start at 50. Finish your sheet and post in the Interest Check thread for confirmation by me. PM [@Polybius] if you have any questions.[/i] [hider=Company Sheet] [u]Player Name:[/u] Your forum name in mention tags [u]Company Name:[/u] Make something up [u]Location:[/u] (Where main office is) [u]Commander & Traits: [/u]Pick a name, level 1 class (Militia, Scout, Novice) and 1 trait. [u]Morale:[/u] starts at 2 unless otherwise affected [u]Reputation:[/u] 0 for all unless otherwise affected [u]Gold:[/u] 400g to start. This is for hiring & equipping your men beyond the starting roster of 5. [u]Relations:[/u] (You start with +10 to your home city, add that here) [u]Company Upkeep:[/u] Total. Include upkeep of all mercenaries under your command (including commander), company office and ships. [u]Mercenaries:[/u] Name: Class: Feats: Equipment: XP: (50 at first level) HP/CON/DEX/WIS (include modifiers from feats, equipment etc.) [/hider] [/hider]