[quote=@Lasrever] [@Kouki] Yeah, it just meant in general, sorry if it wasn't clear enough :/ Hope that clears up any confusion :) [/quote] No, my fault, totally my fault! Like I said, dummy who doesn't read things right. [@twannyman] Take your time [@greywolf375] Still editing but- [hider=]Christina Johnson was born to a middle-class family on New Earth, her mother and father both worked in the Network Security Administration, the government group tasked with hunting down hackers, black sites, and other illegal netizens. She had a good early childhood, with some good friends, and a solid social life, but her favorite thing, the one thing that truly grabbed her interest and held it, was computers. She was always connected in one way or another, as were most of her friends, which might explain why she was online so much, but whatever. She ended up being what most people would call a Net Junkie, or a “Nettie” for short. Somewhere along the way, she decided to learn how the computers and networks she so loved worked, what made them tick, which got her into programming, not to mention researching the hardware and eventually building her own custom rig, with her parents blessing. She was still a fit, active young woman, her main physical activities being parkour and urban exploration. Along the rabbit hole of curiosity, she started to wonder what the code that actually ran the net was like. She started to do research, and this research led her down towards the DarkNet. In the seedy gray area between the ‘dark’ and ‘light’ nets is where she ran into a group of people who turned into her other group of friends, friends that would later become Network Of Dreams, a group of shadowy hackers that ruled the DarkNet under their leader, M0rph3us. But I'm getting ahead of myself.... During her hunt for information on the “Core of the Net”, as she liked to call it, she learned that it was run from, and stored on, a massive amount of remote servers, owned by many companies, mostly ISPs, and that at this point, it wasn’t really possible to view the core programs that kept the Net running. By 15, this infatuation with technology led her to the concept of hacking, a form of thievery she thrived in. She studied endlessly and with her already astounding knowledge of computers, expanded her intellect even further into the field of computers. By 17 she could crack a high level safe from the comfort of her own home, though that was just practice. And that's where Network of Dreams came in. With her new talent and skill, Christina was able to put together an idealistic hacker group under her command. They were freedom chasers and thrill seekers, amassing money and power through targeted attacks on corporate, government and private machines and servers. Some of what they took went to the poor but really, it was for the fun of it, they had a special gift and they knew how to raise a little hell with it. The group had a good run, ran rampant for a full two years, but all things have to come to an end eventually. Christina's end, or rather her beginning, came from a steady flow of rumors and her natural love of a challenge. You see, the young hacker had to know just how good she really was so it wasn't a surprise when she, having heard of the legendary protection program that they employed, targeted the largest enterprise to grace New Earth, Olympus. This giant corporation, with a stagnating amount of power and influence, boasted the galaxy's highest security.....so Christina hacking into their bank records within a matter of minutes was something they had never even considered. Her abilities on the net were unprecedented and she knew it, her friends knew it. But, while she may have been a genius, they were a company with resources and secrets they'd rather keep hidden so it wasn't long before she received an email, requesting the presence of Morpheus. Suffice to say, Christina was aware of how the proverbial shit had hit the fan.[/hider] Okay, so- So far I fixed the walls of text by breaking them up into easier-to-read paragraphs and wrote out the grammatical errors. You sometimes switched between past and present tense in the same sentence for no reason so I fixed that. I took out the part about Olympus being a shadow organization because it isn't, it's an international(now intergalactic) company with buildings and companies expanding around the globe. Christina could find out whatever she wanted about it's existence from a google search. Basically, I kept mostly everything the same, the information is still there just worded differently. The only big change I've made so far was, like I said, the nature of how you got onto Olympus' radar because they aren't a shadow organization......at least not on the surface.