[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WQzsvwp.png[/img] [sub][i][b]“God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even though I think it is hopeless.”[/b][/i] C H E S T E R N I M I T Z[/sub][/center] [hr][hr][center][color=gold][sub][b]B R O T H E R H O O D[/b][/sub][/color][/center] [b]C O A S T C I T Y - U N I T E D S T A T E S[/b] [indent]Well, this was underwhelming. But then again she was glad for it, she had gotten blasted by energy enough times today anyway. It was a confusing sight, to see a god take off and run from a fight. But then again Thor was hardly a hero that Carol really could comprehend, at least beyond the helmet and the lightning swinging zeal. She wasn’t sure if Thor saw he was going a little overboard or if he just didn’t want to ream a teammate when she intended to get between him, his hammer, and the person that pissed off both the god and the hammer. Whatever Thor’s reasons were she was glad she didn’t have to get into another tussle with Thor about “appropriate force” because all those [i]conversations[/i] did was give her a god-sized migraine and body pains that lasted for weeks on end. [i][color=gold]Well that’s that, I guess.[/color][/i] Carol turned her head back towards the surface as she saw Flash take the magic-slinging witch down with relative ease. [i][color=gold]He makes it look so easy.[/color][/i] Lowering herself to the ground, she nodded in slight approval. [b][color=gold]“You do good work, Flash.”[/color][/b] Not waiting for a reply from the Scarlet Speedster she ran her left hand through her hair, pushing it back as she did so. [b][color=gold]“I think we’re done here. We can have CCPD take care of clean-up and then head back to our normal routine. Unless you want to be bored in pearly white Metropolis. What do you think?”[/color][/b] There were still a lot of questions on Carol’s mind, but most of the mutants were either knocked out or had made the hell out of dodge before any sort of JLA-sponsored interrogation could take place. Which was disappointing, but then again their biggest intimidation factor had just took off after she had yelled at him… so maybe it was good that this was how things turned out. The teleporting mutant still bothered her, who the hell was she reporting back to and who the hell was in charge with Magneto out of play for years? Who was behind this?[/indent]