Serah was a tired little duckling, rubbing her eyes even still at the military base. She'd gotten up earlier than usual due to rules and hasn't quite yet recovered. She still did the whole military position, treating everyone with respect and the likes of that but not with heart and soul like she would on a normal day. Little bits od the day passed one at a time, and eventually, the girl found herself alongside other cadets standin' in line to listen to a middle-aged lady's instructions. With a bored look on her face, Serah let her eyes dart to the side to scan who she was actually with. Young girls, one young guy, and then a bunch of old dudes. Her hands were almost inside the pockets of that pink jacket she loved to wear, though official protocol prevented her from doing so. Eventually a higher-ranked old guy walked in, introduced themselves as Lorenzo, and couldn't help but be the cheeriest person on the planet whilst also sounding like a complete sociopath. Serah felt chills run down her spine, straightening herself out a bit more to not look lazy in front of her new boss. The cadets got dismissed soon after, with the bluenette exhaling a sighof relief at being able to relax. She'd closed her eyes for a bit to relax, but they soon sprung open again when they heard a young girl named 'Sigma' introduce herself. Soon after, Ariin followed. What a weird name, Ariin. Normal people were called Arin, though Serah's name was also a bastardization of Sarah so she couldn't judge. The girl felt a huge smile creeping across her face, and was unable to help herself. [color=00aeef]"Heeeey! Heeey! Don't forget about me!"[/color] she flailed in the background, whilst giggling also. [color=00aeef]"I'm Serah, Serah Gene! Dont'chu forget it now!"[/color] she cheerfully introduced herself, calming down soon afterwards. [color=00aeef]"Atty's my Framewerk, and they're the coolest around! I'll show y'all what we can do in the mock battle, so you do the same alright?"[/color] the girl finished her long-winded introduction. She drew a heavy breath from that mouthful, then shot glances around the room to see who was there. They noticed an older man in the group, someone futher back first. They didn't seem to be too pleased. The next to be noticed by Serah's all-seeing gaze were the group of three that flocked around Elora. Seemed like they were crying, but it'd probably be bad to overwhelm the girl. There was also a really pretty girl, little older than Serah, with long black hairs. They seemed interesting enough, but the teenager didn't feel worthy enough to speak to them for whatever reason. Those are all the people she deemed important enough on a glance. So, who did she bother? Why, nobody else but Zim Hero of course! The petite girl scuttled over to them, with a smile of childlike innocence on their face. [color=00aeef]"Hi mister!"[/color] she broke the ice, looking up to the noticably taller man. Something was obviously bothering them, Serah could tell. [color=00aeef]"Hey, hey. You don't look too pleased, what's wrong?"[/color] Serah asked, genuinly curious.