[img]http://static.zerochan.net/NIL.full.437027.jpg[/img] [hider=Wings] [img]http://www.costumedetective.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/maleficent_model_wings.jpg[/img] Minus the claws/hooks on the end of the wings [/hider] Name: Octavia Arid Fairchild Age: 18 Race: Angel Role & Kingdom: Princess of Gabriel Ability & Weapon: Fire manipulation Small dagger Biography: Being born as apossible future ruler, Octavia was born with high expectations. However, unlike many of the princes and princesses who came before her, who were eager to rule, she was not interested in inheriting the throne. This, of course, came to others as quite a shock, as she was a natural born leader, has strong morals, is very kind and gentle to all, yet could be stern when she needed to be; She also cared about the people and their well being. Thus, making her ideal as a candidate for the throne. Unfortunately, she didn't take her training seriously enough and, as a result, her parents gave up on trying to turn her into a future ruler, thinking it would change her mind and take training more seriously if she wasn't pressured. This plan back fired. Greatly. If anything, Octavia took her parent's actions as encouragement to persue her own interests. Ever since then, she has spent most of her time interacting among the common folk by visiting the market, singing and dancing with the children, as well as on stage sometimes, and volunteering at several shops and blacksmiths, unintentionally making her name well known and familiar with the people of the castle town. Trying to avoid her rank, though she knows that it is inevitable. Her parents have considered marrying her off to a neighboring kingdom's prince/ aristocrat, however, they feared that the marriage would be called off when they learned of Octavia's disobedient nature and refusal to act as a proper Queen. Thus, they haven't taken much action to having her courted. However, since she is of age, she will eventually be a queen, be it by marriage or by inheritance. [url=https://youtu.be/8Wg1MYjOguI]Theme[/url]