Heya! I'm about to finish Birthright (I don't want to finish it so I'm doing anything to avoid the last chapter) and I'm also about 1/3 of the way through Conquest. I have beaten Awakening a while back but am about to beat it again with another play through I have going. In terms of characters, I lean toward canon/canon interactions myself since there's enough colorful characters to work with and further develop. I would also prefer it if we doubled and worked in threads. With PMs, I tend to forget about them since they're not right in front of me like thread subscriptions are. When it comes to swearing, blood, sexual scenes...I'm fine. As for any ideas...well I like the setting and plot of Awakening but the characters of Fates better. I think if we wanted to do any crossing over for either plot or characters, the portal idea they've been using is probably the best way to go without needing to think too much about it. I do think if we stuck to Fates (I'm more keen towards Birthright than Conquest) it might be best to stretch out events so that we have room to do our own thing with our main characters. On the other hand, we could rework the entire premise/starting point and not worry as much about canon events. I'm cool either way. I haven't RP'ed FE before so I'm not sure how you'd like to treat combat, it's not my strong suit and I'd rather this not be an 'Arena' sort of RP. Still, I know it's necessary and could be fun when pairing up characters on the battlefield. Anywho, I am in my last week of my semester so I'm a little busy. I also have a backlog of other RP posts I'm trying to catch up so it might be a few days before I have time to either get up an intro or reply to one. (I tend to post in the other I get posts, so there are some 1x1s I'd need to do before getting to ours, I mean) So if you're itching to go right now, we probably won't be a good match but I do try to keep active in the OOC even if the IC is delayed a bit.