[@OtomostheCrazy] Xoxi saw the spirit in front of her, and with her glowing eye and shadow skills well trained, she was ready for a good fight. [color=662d91]"Lets make this [/color][color=007236]a true fight!"[/color] The spirit form morphed a shadow Krieg, similar to that of Xoxi's, but with what appeared to be a stick of dynamite attached to the axe. Xoxi meanwhile morphed the skeleton she recently created and had it ready to fight. It even had music playing in the background to honor the realm it came from. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcoqR9Bwx1Y The Krieg rushed in with his axe and slashed towards the skeleton, trying to take it down quickly and leave the demigoddess vulnerable. The skeleton was prepared and dodged, unleashing a torrent of bones from under the Krieg's feet. Krieg evades this and attempts for another blow to the skeleton, who dodged again and countered with a large skull above the Krieg. The skull shot an explosive blast down towards the Krieg, who evaded barely. The psycho threw his axe at the skeleton, who seemed to warp to the side slightly, causing the axe to land on the ground a few feet away. The skeleton summoned more bones, and to his misfortune, the psycho delivered the hit to the skeleton hastily. The skeleton fell to the ground, and dissipated. The psycho ran in to get a hit on Xoxi, who was occupied at the time with maintaining the skeleton. Xoxi dodged the psycho's attack by mere centimeters, and she swept his legs, which knocked him to the ground. The spirit ran up and delivered a punch right into Xoxi's glowing eye, causing her to step back in pain. The Psycho quickly stood up and grabbed the axe off the ground, then rushed up and attempted to slay Xoxi with it. Xoxi dodged barely and revolted by grabbing the axe herself. Unfortunately for her the dynamite on it was lit, and it blew up, causing her to fly back a short distance. Ixox meanwhile grabbed the axe and approached the demigoddess with it. With the demigoddess on the ground, Ixox restrained her with the shadow of Krieg, who hastily morphed into chains. [color=007236]"Hee hee~! This is why you don't mess with me, sweetie. I'm not going to kill you, no. That'd be too good of a punishment for your sins."[/color] The spirit raised the axe and brought it down onto the side of Xoxi's head, taking out her right eye, and causing major harm. [color=007236]"Hee hee~! I'm going to make you suffer for what you have done!"[/color] As Ixox brought down another blow onto Xoxi's head, a midnight blue glow started to emanate from Xoxi's wounds. [color=007236]"It's time to see what life is like at half your brain function!""[/color] Before Ixox could land the final blow, a shadow appeared under her, and moved up. The shadow had ported Ixox to a random point on Earth, one that would provide significance to Xoxi's past. Meanwhile, with the chains being gone, Xoxi laid on the ground, gripping her face tightly. [color=662d91]"NNGHGHH MOTHERFUCKING GOOOOOOD THIS HURTS LIKE SHIT!"[/color] The glow had started to heal the demigoddess to the best of it's abilities, and really attempted to keep her awake while this was happening, but alas, the demigoddess drifted off, defeated. MEANWHILE UNDER THE RIFT The two gods of genocide dueled, and Tlevran saw that he was very much outmatched in this fight. He cursed Marie under his breath, as he remembered the one way he was going to get out of this the safest. [color=8882be]"Heh, I guess I'm outclassed here... well it's been fun, but I have some news to give."[/color] The emblem on Claire's hand started to glow with a crimson light, as Tlevran shot out of it and landed on a nearby ruined building.