Nergal knows that the creature has a reputation to be deadly and savage. It's jaws could easily injure his legs through his armor, but would it give him enough time to counter with a finishing blow? Likely not with the tail above it waiting to block a sword stroke down. It's a good thing he had no plans to do such a thing. Though he has been known to be rather reckless in other encounters he seen a plan form just moments ago in this little hunting expedition. The blood that impacted against the creatures wing when it used it as a shield was going to come in very handy. A blood rune to active his blood on the wing as the conduit of the spell would just be a simple "blood boil"...a painful searing of the location. Adding in an unholy rune would make the effect more of a diseased effect. Activating a dark rune with it though mixes it all together into one dark magical enhanced effect of a necrotic plague. The term plague used loosely as it moves past just a disease that most things of this nature are immune to, it pushes it into an ongoing magical state that seeks to eat organic tissue and stop regenerative measures. That wasn't the worst of it, Nergal had built up a few death runes to empower his abilities and knew he wouldn't get many chances at this trick. One death rune poured into the effect would turn it into a bomb, exploding the necrosis in a violent dark measure that would surely blow at least a few chunks out of the wing and exposing some of the weaker tissue for it to feed more on. Nergal wasn't going to take any chances though as he activates all of those runes plus one more...Another Death rune to amplify the Necrotic bombs explosion with even more power. With the wing being attached to the creatures arm, it could be very likely that the Necrotic Bomb with a second dose of power was capable of blowing off the arm of the creature. With any damage from the dark spell leaving the necrotic effect onto any open wounds suffered from it. Whatever happens, the necrotic bomb going off should be enough to at least jar it from its attacking crawl and re-positing it some if not sending it onto it's side. Nergal would seize the opportunity of the off balance creature stepping forward taking precaution to not cross into another slime path and attempt to strike downward with his sword to cleave into the base of its jaw trying to separate it from the rest of the body. With the bombs momentum likely to send the creature reeling to its right side, and the likely hood its left arm to be blown off or at least injured enough to be rather useless, the sword should have a clean shot. It's tail might try to snap back around but, likely it would be trying to stabilize the creature or be on the opposite side of where Nergal was attacking. Worst case, Nergal should have enough time to strike before the creature can snap it back at him. Runetracker- Body: _B_DU- Weapon: -BDD ~