[center][hr][hr][color=9966cc][h1]Tobi Valade[/h1][/color] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/kylie-k-jenner/images/9/96/Lucky_Blue_Smith.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20160104102213[/img] [color=9966cc]"Defeat is a state of mind, no one is defeated until defeat is accepted as a reality." -Bruce Lee[/color][/center] [hr][hr] After concluding his rant Tobi was about to take his crew to get supplies when an old friend spoke up. [color=fff200]"You talk too much, Val,"[/color] Ah, Emerson, it had been a while since he had seen her. [color=fff200]"Go get the supplies and feeeed me. I feel like I haven't eaten in years—" [/color] Tobi smiled, flipped her the bird, and then blew her a kiss with his other hand. [b][color=9966cc]"Emmy, how about you get off you're lazy ass and come help us and I'll feed you like a queen, eh?"[/color][/b] He didn't bother waiting and instead took the group into the bowels of the ship. He remembered someone saying that there were supplies in the pods lining the walls so he made sure to check those first. [b][color=9966cc]"Hey Charles my man, I found of couple backpacks, thinking we could just put all our shit in their so we can keep moving, eh? Some of the more violent guys are getting rowdy outside and I don't want to stick around for much longer? How many people do we got now? Ten? Fifteen? Sounds like more than enough to handle whatever animals could be around right?"[/color][/b] Valade grabbed a bag and was busy stuffing it with anything he could find, the others were following suit. There wasn't much but it would have to do. He was delighted to find a knife, now that was something he could use. Tobi knew he would have to rely on something more than his strength. He couldn't bring his fists to a gun fight now could he? The bad part was that he never used, or even held a gun for that matter. Tobi hadn't even needed a gun to kill those two Inquisitors, surprisingly. He had snuck up behind the first and slammed his head into a wall, repeatedly. Then, when the second one turned round he used the first Inquisitor's armor to shield himself until he got close enough to take him out. It was brutal, yes, and very crude but it had worked. One of the younger looking guys came up to him with a pistol gripped in his hand. The boy held it out to Tobi like he knew what the fuck to do with it. [b][color=9966cc]"Uh... Yeah, thanks..."[/color] He quickly took the gun and brought it over to Charlie. [color=9966cc]"You know I have no idea how to use this, take it."[/color][/b] He insisted. Once Valade had filled his bag and most of the others had too he exited the ship. Tobi waited 'till most had gathered and finally spoke up. [color=9966cc][b]"So yeah, we're leaving now,"[/b][/color] he said, looking over to Charlie to make sure he agreed. [b][color=9966cc]"If you haven't gotten supplies and want to come with us I suggest you go grab some shit quick. All of you who aren't coming with us... Try not to get yourselves killed okay?"[/color][/b] With that he hefted his bag and slung it over his shoulders. He looked at his group of 15 or so teenagers. [color=9966cc][b]"You guys ready?"[/b][/color] Most of them nodded and voiced their agreement. He looked to Charlie, [color=9966cc][b]"lead the way, my man."[/b][/color]