[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Charlie%20Arcadian&name=GraffitiPaintBrush.ttf&size=85&style_color=10A2E6[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/da2131cc029149458f181ee9d69c971c/tumblr_mz9wkx5sOi1s5ew9do6_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Charlie looked up at Tobi as he brought up his back pack idea and nodded. [color=deepskyblue]"Sounds good, I'll tell people to start packing stuff away,"[/color] he said, and began directing people to grab a backpack and start filling it with the supplies they gathered. He himself grabbed his own bag, a small black thing that just barely held everything he had gathered. He slung it onto his back and looked over to see Tobi walking up with a gun in hand. [color=9966cc]"You know I have no idea how to use this, take it."[/color] his friend said before pushing the gun into his hand. Charlie nodded with understanding and stuffed the gun into his back pocket. He'd need somewhere better to put it but until he found a holster of some sort, that would have to do. He'd only used a gun a few times, at a shooting range with his father, but he'd taken them apart more times than he could count, so he had a minimal understanding of how they work. Once Tobi had gathered everyone up he surveyed their group of fifteen or so. He saw a few kids he recognized and just as they were about to leave, Avery came running out of the ship, bag in hand. He figured that meant Violet was with them too, or at least would be joining them. Avery wouldn't have been likely to join them if Violet was staying here.[color=deepskyblue]"Alright. Let's get going. Stay close, we don't know what could be out here,"[/color] he said before heading off North, the rest of the kids following. In the distance he saw the other group of kids, led by another girl who's name he couldn't quite recall. Something with a D. He trekked on and turned his head to Tobi. [color=deepskyblue]"We're gonna have to figure out a way to get Athena on our side. She's to chaotic to leave alone. Eventually she'll convince some of the other crazies to join up with her and I don't know how well that'll go for us,"[/color] he said, looking off into the distance.