[color=f7941d]"This is soooo much fun!"[/color] Marmalade was always the first to join in on fun. She made Kest buy different colored handkerchiefs they could wear during the celebration. She herself hadn't been able to buy them because 'They didn't serve finners.' Kest wanted to give the merchant a piece of his mind, but seeing his little sisters eager face forced him to reconsider. They had just moved to Seles. It was smaller than most of the other towns they had been to, but it was always the same for Marmalade. Glares, profanity, whispered gossip. It wasn't fair, its not her fault she was born different. Kest noticed the lack of any sort of xenophobia all day. Maybe people are more focused on these silly myths than berating a single mer-girl. [color=f7941d]"Oh! Kest, look at that woman over there! She sounds so lovely.."[/color] The two made their way toward a growing crowd. There a woman was singing and dancing a song dedicated to the first dragon. Marmalade swayed gently to the tune while Kest himself took a look around. The shrine itself was very imposing. The history behind it was more mysterious than the events that led to the explosion of the Divine Tree. If that even happened. What really caught his eye was the young woman sitting nearby. He felt his palms grow sweaty and knew he was about to make himself look like a fool in front of this beauty. He walked up to her as casually as possible, nearly tripping over himself in the process. He chuckled nervously as he reached her position. [color=0072bc]"Hey!-- I mean... uh, hi."[/color] Kest rubbed the back of his neck and looked around, his mind racing for something, anything, to say. He hoped she couldn't see the panic on his face as him mind went completely blank. [color=0072bc]"Nice, er, weather.. we are.. having. Right?"[/color] his voice seemed to echo across the entire area. Good thing most of the lanterns were red. He hoped she wouldn't be able to tell he was blushing. As the tune went on, Marmalade swung her hand out to get her brother's attention, startled when he wasn't next to her. [color=f7941d]"Brother?"[/color] she called out, but noticed where he had gone and who he was talking to. She smiled and turned back toward the music.