[IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/aufn1s.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Ainsley Sharp [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Cursed Human [b]Role & Kingdom:[/b] Personal care servant for (prince or princess) of Gabriel [b]Ability & Weapon:[/b] Phantoms - shadows of tortured souls from hell that feast upon fear and negative emotion. They slow down the enemy physically and wreck the victims mental and emotional state. longsword/one-handed sword [b]Biography:[/b] Ainsley was born as a poor orphan in the streets of Kingdom's capital, going through thick and thin in order to survive. He was a bandit member for a while and even earned a high place among them in the mountains outside the city. At age 17, Ainsley came in contact with his first demon, challenging the mighty monster to a fight and being defeated quite easily. The monster decided to curse him for his spunk, hoping to feed off his ties to the bandits. But as Ainsley learned more and more about his powers, he started leaving the bandits for long lengths of time. Coming back from his last absence he found that the bandits had been wiped out. Having grown even farther away from his old, rather impulsive self he came to use his powers to manipulate people with fear. Around when he turned 20, there was a clash of powers between his demon and another, his demon was defeated in a fight of wits, instead of destruction and he was taken away somewhere. Where Ainsley did not know, but he hoped the demon would never crawl back from it. As he got to refine his powers and sword skills, he took a job as a servant at the castle, his beautiful face and now quiet and calculating mannerisms moving him up through the ranks. His 6 years of devotion have paid off and he now personally takes care of (prince/princess) of the kingdom of Gabriel. [b]Extra:[/b] He doesn't use his cursed powers unless absolutely necessary so the royals do not know he is a cursed human.