Medeis was restless. He'd decided against showing up to the meeting in his armour. He was certain the Chapter Master would be there in the full glory of his tactical dreadnought armour, but the Chief Librarian saw no need for such extravagance. Especially considering that it was a lot harder to hide what had been happening to him in armour. In just his plain black body glove under a heavy, loose-fitting robe, he was nearly invisible, and no one had to see that he appeared to be made out of some kind of crystal. They also wouldn't accidentally catch a glimpse of his internal organs if they stared too long. While not normally one to be self-conscious of such things, he didn't know how badly things were going for the rest of the Chapter, and the Chief Librarian's position was precarious enough as it was, the senior Astartes wasn't going to allow himself to be cast down from any sort of carelessness on his part. To that end, what time he had left before the meeting was spent deep in meditation, channelling all of his emotions into the Warp. The Warp was always kind enough to hold onto them until he needed them, often in the form of witchfire. Right now, though, he needed the serenity of the void, and he found it just in time. Once the Librarian had what he needed, he headed straight for the Council Chamber. He'd used it only rarely before, but knew its location well. It was very nearly the central command hub for the [i]Bastion of Arrogance[/i], and certainly one of the most hallowed rooms on the vessel. Once there, just early enough to have beaten everyone but the Chapter Master, it seemed, he took up his seat to the left of his commander, and sat silently, trying not to fidget too much as he sought to assure himself that there was no evidence of his mutations, aside from the fact that he was obviously trying far too hard to hide something. It wasn't long before the meeting started off with a bang. Rokurou explained that the entire Chapter was mutating out of control, and pointed out that the Inquisition was starting to ask questions. The Warp Skulls were on the brink of extinction, it would seem. "We fight." Calvaria spoke just loud enough for the Chapter Master to hear him. The Captain on his right would hear too, but he was unconcerned with that. More concerning were the warp-born sparks that flew from his lips even as he spoke of defying the Imperium. "The Explorator fleet will rally to our cries. They can delay the Inquistion. They might even be able to stamp out the mutations... And if all else fails, we fight." The determination in his surprisingly soft voice was unwavering. Whatever "justice" the inquisition might bring, he clearly didn't agree with it...