The news of, not only the single, but the band getting so much attention and [i]money[/i] was just the distraction she needed from the mess that was unfolding between her and Rob. A massive grin had been on her face since they got the call from Sam's dad. Jane hated having parents involved with their business - maybe because her mom was never involved in anything past kindergarten - but she was grateful for someone looking over their finances for them, because they would probably blow the loot on frivolous things. Getting her own room at the hotel wasn't bad either. Although being by herself was something Jane didn't enjoy - she found being alone with her thoughts did her no good - a night away without anyone needing her, wanting her, or making her feel unwanted sounded like a hint from the universe to tone it down that night. Tripping the first night, threesome the second. She knew she wouldn't last a month on tour as such a high velocity. Maybe Austin would want to watch a movie or something. She'd invite Rob instead, but the wounds were still too fresh. Subconsciously, Rob and Jane's tiffs that started erupting more frequently became a catalyst for her and Austin's friendship. It was strictly platonic on both sides, but Jane enjoyed his company. He was intuitive (sometimes too intuitive), funny, and most importantly, never judged Jane for her actions. If anything, he encouraged them. [i]"Look, dude," he mumbled as he took a bite of the sandwich he prepared in her kitchen, "we're all gonna be some dead ass fuckers in the ground. I don't know about you, but when I'm on my death bed, looking my grandchildren in the eye, and they ask me what my regrets were, I'm not gonna say 'I wish I didn't fuck that girl. Oh, I wish I didn't have that extra drink at that one show. I wish I didn't drop acid on that one hiking trip in Utah.' No! I'm gonna wish I did more of that shit!" He explained as he waved his hands in the air, causing a pickle to fly across the kitchen. "Girls have it different than guys. We're heroes for sleeping with as many people as we want, but you guys get calls 'sluts' and stuff. Especially since you like playing on both teams. Jesus, people must have a field day when they talk shit about you," he laughed as he took the last bite of the sandwich. "But, you're the type of person who will always end up doing what you want, Jane. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about that."[/i] Jane was shaken out of the memory as she heard Rob's voice behind her, and after quickly hesitating, she turned and eyed him with a quizzical expression as he fumbled his words, which eventually turned into a smirk. Watching him squirm was proving to be enjoyable. The hand placed on her shoulder made her laugh, but she immediately covered her mouth with regret. He was at least trying... awkwardly. But Rob was not going to get off the hook with a painfully awkward apology and a touch in the shoulder. No. The way he treated her lately tormented her. But, she promised herself to not let him chip away at her confidence anymore, so she nodded with a forced smile until he was beckoned by Sam. [i]"Is he blushing?[/i]" Jane thought to herself as he walked away. [i]"Why the hell is he blushing?"[/i] Jane spent the short amount of time hey had before the show sleeping in the plush queen sized bed in her hotel room. It was her first sober sleep in a few weeks, and her dreams made a strong comeback to make up for lost time. Images of everything - shows, the band, ex-lovers, her childhood - flashed like a montage in her mind. But of course, one image kept reoccurring through out the deep sleep she was trapped in. Rob. She woke up angry at herself for letting him invade her her thoughts - her subconscious - and it made her begin to question what the help was happening to her. Jane never let the trivial side effects of a friendship effect her. Was there something more that she wasn't piecing together? Maybe it would do them some good to have one-on-one time. Thank god Rob [i]did[/i] slip into her dreams, or else she would've slept through the show. Jane dashed around the hotel room, putting on the first thing she could find: a white tank top and a pair of light denim shorts, nearly ripped to shreds, that hit right above the middle of her thigh. Jane laughed at herself as she remembered her mother's words when she first started going braless at sixteen. [i]"Dear Lord, Jane. Leave something to the imagination, huh? You're gonna poke an eye out." "Mom, you didn't give me much to 'leave to the imagination,'" Jane replied is a snarl, using fingers for quotation marks. "Small boobs will be in one day, Jane Ann Molloy. Just you wait."[/i] Jane rushed downstairs to find Austin waiting for the other two. "Hey," Jane quietly greeted him, "wanna get high and watch a movie tonight?" Austin, showing exaggerated shock, nodded with a smile. "The wild and crazy, sexual deviant Jane Molloy having a quiet night in." He stretched his hands out in front of him. "I can see the tabloids already." "Shut up," she laughed and punched him in the arm. Her thoughts flashed to inviting Rob to her room as well to hang out when a honk sounded. Sam pulled up in the van to the front of the hotel, and Jane and Austin quickly hopped inside. "Where the fuck is Rob?" she asked as she looked out the window, squinting her eyes to see inside the hotel. "He's never late."