This is an rp focused on two characters who had known each other for a very, very long time. Once in life and again in death A tale of a man betrayed and turned into a undead monster driven my hatred and vengeance. He once knew love and knew of what it meant to be human, now he is a shattered version of himself. The other side of the story is a life long friend who stood by his side even in death, refusing to see the darkness that now devours his soul and forces him to commit the dark deeds he carries out in the name of vengeance. The tale starts with the emergence of this undead man resurrecting his old friend, putting her back into his service and continuing on his conquest of blood and destruction Draxis Felwind was once a Noble, and a knight of a high and honorable order. He was a very wise man and kept many strong people in his council, including one priestess named Anstass. She was a powerful healer, and well versed in matters of diplomacy. As a pacifist, she urged Draxis to avoid conflict whenever possible. However he had made enemies of other lords of the land due to his alliances and made trade pacts with those who others deemed too weak, or untrustworthy. This ultimately caused his downfall one night as he was assassinated by someone whom he thought was a close friend and a powerful ally, in a move that would grant the assassins benefactor a great deal of power and authority over the land and Draxis' trade deals. This caused a great dispute and many of his followers and friends to raise arms against the lords encroaching on the fallen lord's lands. The resulting years of war wrought destruction upon the land and sent Lord Draxis' lands into chaos. They became uninhabitable by any living being and became a breeding ground for the undead, with necromancers taking residence within the fel lands. Centuries passed and generations of necromancers passed through the lands only to one day disturb the tomb of Draxis. In a dark ritual, the dark summoners weaved terrible magics to connect the broken and lost soul of the lord back to the shattered bones. This resulted in the creation of a being of pure rage. In the first moments after his resurrection, the shambling remains, held together by the ancient spirit, ripped into the necromancers and tore them limb from limb. The undead Draxis did not know who or what he was, only that he tasted life once again, only it wasn't life. It was death, it was rage, it was hatred. The man that was once compassionate and loving had become the opposite. He knew no mercy and no peace. Draxis' soul was consumed in the hellfires for centuries before he was revived as the shambling corpse he had become. Several years passed, and his time as the unliving was wrought with danger and terror. His shambling and broken corpse terrorized the country sides and hallowed screams of the damned came from his bony mouth. A decade passed as he shambled around, killing anyone foolish enough to try and put him down, and he was approached by a powerful lich, promising to restore his mind to a "functioning" state and his body to a powerful one, worthy of his former office. So the Skeletal Draxis took the deal, pledging service to this undead master in return for power and a chance to seek vengence. The change was swift, mere minutes passed before Draxis was whole... or aleast partly so. His mind was still cracked, but he had a voice now, and could articulate thoughts once again. Putrid, rotted flesh came to cover his bones and muscles reformed to give him strength once more. His old face had returned, but it was decayed, and missing pieces. His form and stature would not be described as large and bulky without his armor, under the armor he isn’t much more than decayed flesh and bone being held together by his own ethereal form. The bluish glow that emanates from his armor is flecks of his “spirit glue” or ghostly body seeping out.He stands at an above average height of 6’5’’ and a weight of nearly 190lbs . Under the helmet his face is noticeably decayed, with his lower jaw being held to the rest of his head by a few strips of flesh, muscle tissue and tendons, his sunken eyes so not much but blue wisps of his ghostly form and his nose, completely sheared off. Thin, wispy hair lingers upon his head and lays in front of his eyes, though this hair is no more than a pale grey. The rest of his body is in similar form, large open wounds on his torso accompanied by missing ribs and internal organs show how truly dead this man is. His arms and legs seem functional if not almost untouched aside from decay around the joints of the knees, elbows and shoulders. His pelvic area is also worn down to the point where only flesh and muscle cling to the yellowed, old bones, leaving this bare area as the only connection point for his legs and torso. Around all of this, a blue mist that resembles his old human body hovers around and keeps the old, broken corpse together. His armor however holds a dark, onyx-like appearance in color and holds onto a undead/demonic motif. His breastplate holds the face of a strange looking creature, whose eyes seem to leak the ghostly blue mist and holds a terrifying grimace. This face sits over layers of dark, obsidian plate that reflect the ghostly light in a pale blue. Connected to his breastplate are a set of horned pauldrons, sharing a similar demonic face with the breastplate. This face, however, does not emit the mist from the eyes, but instead, in each shoulder there is a set of sapphires embedded in the eye sockets of the black steel molded creatures. Plated gauntlets cover his arms and hands, only showing gaps in the joints of his elbows, wrists and fingers, though in these gaps can be seen a dark chainmail to keep his body armored. Adorned on his waist, a fauld made of a small cows skull and dark brownish grey cloth. Attached to this skull is a set of steel plates sharing a skeletal visage, each skull seeming to be adorned with a horned crown. These plates lay against his layer plate, full leg boots, sharing a large similarity with the gauntlets in that the knees are not as heavily armored to allow for greater mobility. Upon his kneecaps sits yet another grim, skeletal face, with more sapphires in the eyes. Back up and to his shoulders lies a tattered, black cape that looks like it has seen many battles, this cape rises at the top slightly, to give a sort of nesting area for his glorious helm. His helm, made of layered plates bares no demonic or skeletal likeness, save for the horns that jut from the top of the helm and curve backwards slightly. The eye sockets of the helmet allow his true, ghostly eyes to be more noticeable, with the color of the energy coming from these outlets being a much brighter blue. The mouth of the helm is fairly plain looking, only bearing a mostly European style mouth guard. [-w i p-]