[color=a0410d] "Ay, you're plenty pretty, lad. Now, if you're done dressing for the ball, it's high time for us to get around to setting the Wind Dragons into form." [/color] Kallain smiled, he to was excited to get started. The two men walked briskly towards the courtyard. The both of them were in high spirits and Reinoldus even began whistling an old marching tune. The two reached the courtyard and entered the warm summer sunshine. There the Wind Dragons stood assembled ready for action, their readiness was apparent as well. Serell stood, ledger in hand, to help see to any logistical or structural needs. Upon seeing their numbers Kallain frowned. Now was when he decided what exactly he wanted this force to be. If he needed personal bodyguards 12 should be enough. If he wanted a short of princes own, he would need hundreds. He called over Serell and Reinoldus. [color=f7941d]"Men, we need some fresh recruits. Reinoldus, ask the veterans to recommend some active soldiers who would be willing to transfer. Serell, send some fresh recruits directly from training to us. But only more promising men, I want our numbers to be around 30."[/color] Serell rolled his eyes, [color=00aeef]"Sire As you know if you want to build a new army we will need far larger numbers. And if you desire bodyguards our current ranks..."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Thank you Serell! I am fully aware of this."[/color] Kallain interrupted aggressively. Reinoldus spoke up, [color=9e0b0f]"I think what he means Kal is what do you have in mind for us?"[/color] Kallain smiled.[color=f7941d]"Something similar to what we took to Helcomb. A small elite force, to deal with engagements that require precision over raw force. But with larger forces we can be used for more difficult quests. We could even assist the regular armies when needed!"[/color] Reinoldus nodded his head in agreement while Serell shrugged and began writing in his ledger. Kal walked up,and stood in front of his currently assembled men. [color=f26522]Alright Men! Let's get to work. For now I need to see how skilled each of you are in single combat. Our forces will be small, so each of us need to able to hold our own against several foes. Break into two groups, the brave will face our champion Reinoldus..."[/color] The knight cracked his knuckles and growled. [color=f26522]"and the rest will face me."[/color] Kallain kicked up a training sword. And the first one to step up... was the man kissing Alexandria.