Alyssa turned to the sound of heavy footsteps. Turning she saw a very large slab of man. She looked over his attire, he certainly had a "barbarian" vibe to his ensemble, but the tats didn't quite fit. Too elegent for most of the tribes she'd heard of or met with, but she was hardly an expert, maybe he was from a wandering tribe of artists? More interesting than that was the bird perched on his head, yes a bird, in a tavern, on the head of a [i]very[/i] large man. This would be interesting, and besides adventures were much more fun with large slabs of men standing between her and bad stuff. She cast a sidelong glance at the elf, as pretty as she was it wasn't likely elfy here would offer much in the way of protection in whatever crypt or tomb or whatever they intended to send her into. She extended a hand toward the man. [color=ed1c24]"Name's Alyssa, you coming along on this little jaunt? We could sure use you."[/color]