[B]Name:[/b] Rex [B]Age:[/b] 18 [B]Appearance:[/b] Rex stands at 5'8", and is of a normal build with broad shoulders. His complexion is pale, and never seems to burn or tan. His hair is black, and his eyes are silver, with pupils that expand and contract like a cat's. He usually dresses in black, and his usual outfit consists of black steel toe shoes, denim pants, and a white or gray shirt. He also wears a black mask with a stylized white skull on the front, black goggles with reflective gold lenses, and a black, hooded cloak. [B]Teigu/Imperial Arm:[/b] Beast Tamer, Alpha's Hand- Glove-type Teigu/Imperial Arm. Allows the user to tame Danger Beasts. Despite having been used by the Imperial Capital to tame Danger Beast's to defend the skies, it takes a great deal of strength and mental fortitude to control the stronger Danger Beasts. Currently the only Danger Beast that is loyal to him without being controlled is a [url=http://pre06.deviantart.net/2002/th/pre/i/2010/274/6/b/javelin__s_wyvern_by_arvalis-d2zw3cy.jpg]Sky Raptor[/URL] he's named Huntress. [b]Personality:[/b] At first Rex comes off as aloof and standoffish. In reality, he is a bit socially awkward and afraid of rejection, so he keeps quiet most of the time. It is difficult to obtain his trust, but once he trusts someone, he trusts them with his life. He is more than willing to risk his life for his team. He has a greater hatred of people who commit crimes against women and children than most of the team, and when dealing with targets such as twisted perverts, rapists, and murderers, he makes their deaths as slow and excruciating as possible. Also playing Najenda, Akame, Scheele, Bulat, & Susanoo.